School Council 

 School Council Newsletter - 27 July 2023

School Council met online, Thursday 27 July to discuss all things Wyndham Vale PS.  In addition to policy updates and a review of the budget, we touched on the recent Naplan results (our kids did such an amazing job), how our children's safety is managed in the schools playgrounds and the Department of Education's advice relating to the upcoming referendum. 


Mrs Seneviratne updated the Council on current enrollment numbers, which remain at approximately 1300 students.  Enrolments for Foundation for 2024 also remain consistent with this time last year.  If you haven't already,  I’d encourage you to start thinking about all the little brothers and sisters who may be getting ready to go to big school next year and start the enrollment process.  You can pick up an enrollment pack from the office, or do it online by visiting:  



The Policy Subcommittee reviewed the School Duty of Care Policy and the Mental Health and Welbeing for Employees in Schools Policy.  I know as parents, we want to protect our children from bullying and be their voice if we feel they aren’t being heard, but we need to lead by example and treat the office staff, teachers and principals with kindness too.  There are policies and procedures in place to support both students and staff so please be patient and respectful and remember that everyone has the right to feel safe in their workplace.




One tool aiding in keeping students, staff and our school safe are the new CCTV cameras.  These will be an amazing asset to our school, hopefully deterring vandalism and break ins going forward. I did hear that Di

pesh was observed playing cricket with the kids during a well deserved break.



Finally, we got to give the thumbs up to another batch of exciting excursions for terms 3 and 4 with a huge focus on STEM - if any of the Grade 3 teachers are reading this - can I please come too? 



Our next meeting is Thursday 17 August 2023, 

via Webex.  

All are welcome to observe. 







Sharon Gatt – School Council President