Parents and Friends Group

Scholastic Book Club

Thank you to everyone who placed orders for Issue 5. The books will be coming home this week!


Every purchase you make earns the school 15% of your order value in Scholastic Rewards that can be used to purchase valuable educational resources that benefit your child.


Issue 6 is now ready for viewing through LOOP, catalogues will arrive soon. Orders are due by Wednesday 30th August.




Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

Our first sausage sizzle fundraiser for the year is done and dusted!

It was amazing seeing so many familiar faces on the day, thank you to everyone who visited our stall or donated. We were able to raise an incredible $2,250!

A special mention of our wonderful team of volunteers who gave up their time to help run the stall on the day. Thank you!!

Mark, Linda, Mel, Hayley, Belinda, Chichi, Sathish, Vaibhav, Shane, Vicki, Uday, Sharon, Greer, Renee and Andrew.


Father's Day Stall

Can you believe our Father's Day Stall is only 3 weeks away? Time has flown this year!


All items available for purchase will be priced $1-$6 and every student will have the opportunity to visit the stall with their class over 2 days. The schedule for the class visits will be released closer to the event. 

All students are asked to bring cash and a plastic bag on the day. If you are concerned your child will spend the money at the canteen, please place it in a named ziploc/envelope and give it to the classroom teacher on the day for safe keeping.


The Father's Day Raffle is back and all students who purchase from the stall will automatically be in the running to win one of our wonderful hampers!

We are currently looking for volunteers to help run this event.

If you are available on Thursday 31st August & Friday 1st September and are interested in volunteering to help during the stall, please contact us via email or enquire at the office:

Thank you in advance. This event wouldn't happen without our incredible helpers!


P&F Meeting

Our next month meeting will be held on 

Monday 21st August

Come along to hear about past activities, help plan future events and explore new fundraising goals.

Everyone is welcome!