Sacrament of Confirmation

With great joy this Sunday, many of our Year 6 students wil celebrate their final Sacrament of Initiation, the Sacrament of Confirmation. Bishop Tony Ireland visited our school on Wednesday and shared his story and asked the children to share theirs - How many children in their family, what footy team they barracked for and what saint name they had chosen?


The thought and consideration the students had given to the choosing of their saint is amazing. The links to family, to people, to story and to the Gifts of the Holy Spirit were often mentioned. I invite you to ask a Year 6 student what saint they chose and why. I also invite you to pray for our Confirmation candidates, the closing blessing from this Sunday's Mass.


Let us pray.

Confirm, O God what you have brought about in us, 

and preserve in the hearts of your faithful 

the gifts of the Holy spirit: 

may they never be ashamed to confess Christ 

crucified before the world 

and by devoted charity may they ever fulfill his commands. 

Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

All:                             Amen.