Exploring the 

Culinary Arts 

at Vue de Monde

A Memorable Journey 

Harry Lalor

Year 11

Vue de Monde, where innovation, precision, and creativity redefine the boundaries of fine dining. 



Over the July school holidays, I had the privilege

of immersing myself in the vibrant atmosphere of Vue de Monde. Working alongside an exceptional team of talented chefs, including the executive chef Hugh Allen, this experience granted me invaluable insights into the intricacies of French-Australian cuisine. 


 My adventure at Vue de Monde commenced with a warm welcome into their state-of-the-art kitchen. The moment I stepped foot out of the elevator, I was captivated by its panoramic views of the city, offering breathtaking views of golden sunsets and the bay. 


The staff at Vue de Monde exhibited unwavering kindness and support, ensuring that I was well-guided throughout my journey. Their dedication allowed me to explore various aspects of the kitchen, granting me the incredible opportunity to participate in a wide range of things to do. Whether it was assisting in the preparation of intricate dishes, exploring a range of new cooking techniques, or focusing on the fine details of food presentation, every moment was an enriching learning experience. 

During my time at Vue de Monde, I had the privilege of working at several stations, each offering its own unique challenges and rewards. 


Let me share with you some of the highlights. Please  click on the photographs to enlarge

Roo and Beef Section


Being able to plate dishes that were soon to be eaten by diners was a truly amazing experience – I did not expect to be allowed to do that. The Roo dish, a flavourful dish, involved a leek puree mounted with carefully curated kangaroo, topped with kale and cabbage chips, 


and garnished with herbs. 

Next, the beef dish, which featured a truffle sauce as the base, perfectly cooked Wagyu beef (I couldn’t cook the Wagyu pieces as they were too expensive to mess up - a task for the skilled chefs), super small petite mushrooms, fresh capers, and flowers to top. 


Seafood Section

Sea Urchin
Sea Urchin

Here, I had the opportunity to create culinary delights centred around exquisite seafood. 

The marron dish was a work of art, with a white sauce layered beneath the cooked marron, topped with a sauce that was added tableside. 

Another highlight was the tofu dish, featuring eel tofu under a layer of kelp jelly, accompanied by small cucumber balls and a generous scoop of caviar. 


The sea urchin dish consisted of a steamed sourdough base crowned with sea urchin meat and a pickled vegetable garnish. 

Artichoke and Oyster Station


At this station, I mastered the art of preparing the artichokes, cooking them to perfection before piping in a sunflower paste and a mayo. Fun fact - Jerusalem artichokes and sunflowers are from the same plant – Jerusalem artichokes are also called sunchokes or sunroots. An array of precisely placed watercress was then delicately placed atop the artichoke in an elegant pattern using very fine tweezers. 



The oysters featured a combination of an oyster and a fluffy wasabi snow—a chilly and powdery delight with a subtle hint of wasabi and was topped with herb garnishes. 



Souffle Station

Working at the souffle station was an incredible experience, and it quickly became apparent that perfecting this dessert required precision and expertise. The journey to achieve a flawless souffle began with the meticulous task of buttering the ramekin—something that proved more challenging than expected. It took me over 10 attempts to get just the butter right. The butter had to be very even straight strips up with not too much and not too little butter making sure it doesn’t go too high or too low. Each step, from adding a sugary cocoa mix to piping the souffle mixture at just the right speed, demanded careful attention to ensure consistency and the elimination of air bubbles, resulting in a beautifully risen souffle with a perfectly flat top. 

Souffles - Stage 1
Souffles - Stage 2
Souffles - Stage 3
Souffles - Stage 4
Ready to go
Souffles - Stage 1
Souffles - Stage 2
Souffles - Stage 3
Souffles - Stage 4
Ready to go

Desserts Section

Cleanser bowls
Cleanser bowls

The liquid nitrogen sorbet palate cleanser bowls were incredible, featuring fennel, watercress, and pink flowers. Liquid nitrogen was poured onto the plate, allowing customers to crush the herbs before indulging in an apple-like sorbet. 




The lamingtons, a blend of chocolate mousse and raspberry coulis, was creamy and rich, while the gum nuts, crafted from white chocolate hazelnut, displayed realism and crunch. Additionally, I experienced the unique process of cooking dampener on hot coals, a fascinating and quick cooking food. 

The Gourmet Experience

At Vue de Monde, the commitment to excellence extends well beyond the food. The team ensured that their staff were treated exceptionally well, providing them with a full-course staff meal at each shift. A different cuisine was selected each day, offering a diverse array of dishes. On one day we had meatballs and spaghetti, focaccia, a garden salad, a passionfruit drink, and canelés for dessert. During my week [at the restaurant] we had staff meals with cuisines ranging from Indian and Greek to Italian and Japanese. 


A Real-World Experience

My experience at Vue de Monde dispelled the notion that all kitchens and chefs are alike. Each restaurant possesses its unique ambience, while the skill sets required can vary significantly. 


I have worked in 4 kitchens now: a bakery (Lune) and three fine dining restaurants (Florentino’s, Audrey’s and Vue de Monde). The atmosphere within each restaurant is entirely different - let alone the difference in skills that are required. The chefs at Vue de Monde, despite their remarkable talents, “faced challenges with basic cooking concepts such as cooking rice” (quote from Vue de Monde chef) - whereas other chefs may consider it a basic skill and vice versa. These distinctions emphasise the importance of enduring one's craft and seeking out diverse experiences to cultivate a well-rounded culinary journey. 


As an aspiring chef, I embarked on this adventure with the intention of discovering the best fit for my future career. I was encouraged to aim the highest, knowing that it could lead to any outcome. Although I encountered numerous rejections and obstacles in my pursuit, I persisted with passion and determination. I was rewarded with acceptance, allowing me to forge unforgettable bonds with restaurant staff including the Vue de Monde team. 
This experience has forever transformed my vision of the chef life, and I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to work with them once again.