Message from the Principal

Karen Harris
So far, Term 3 has proved busy and exciting - and we are only half way through!
Premier's VCE Awards
The Premier’s VCE Awards reward the efforts of top performing students who excelled in Victorian Certificate of Education studies in 2022.
We are delighted to congratulate two of our current Year 12 students were recognised for their outstanding results in their VCE subjects last year.
VCE Premier’s Award
Outdoor & Environmental Studies
Just four students in the state were recognised in this subject.
VCE Premier’s Award
Japanese Second Language
Just three students in the state were recognised in this subject.
Carah and Aya have rightly earned their awards; each has shown commitment and dedication to their learning and consistently demonstrated high work practices in their approach to their work. This acknowledgement is very well deserved.
Congratulations to a number of our interschool sporting teams who earned their place in Regional Finals. They have represented the college with spirit and good sportsmanship, and will be featured in the Term 3 Sports Roundup in the next edition of the Brunswick Star.
Parents' Association - Trivia Night
Our hard-working team of parents and carers are planning a huge night of fun and entertainment on Friday August 18. Ticket sales have exceeded all expectations, and it is great to see so many families participating.
All funds raised at the Trivia Night event will be direct into the BSC Grounds renewal Fundraiser.
The word on the street is that the Trivia Prizes and items on offer in the Silent Auction event are really worth fighting for! So many local businesses and organisations have chipped in to support the Parents' Association's huge effort, and we encourage our community to return this goodwill wherever possible!
We look forward to the Parents' Association delivering a full wrap up of the event for our next edition.
Subject Expos & Information Nights
Assistant Principal (Teaching & Learning), Tasoula Michael, and Curriculum Leader, Sam Lutwyche, have turned their attention to preparing students to investigate subject choices for next year.
The college has staged Subject Expos and Information Sessions for students entering Year 10 & Year 11 in 2024 and, as always, parents and carers were invited to attend these events so that they can support their children to make informed subject choices.
Subject Selection Interviews for current Year 10 students are now underway, where students enjoy a one-to-one conversation with a staff member about their learning pathway. These interviews are designed to ensure clarity around subject choices, and that these choices fall in line with the student's potential tertiary and/or career pathway.
Bye Bye Birdie
Congratulations to the company of Bye Bye Birdie who presented a fabulous whole school production in Week 1 of this term.
Led most ably by the Production Team (Emily Palekis, Timothy Roach and Lindsay Owen) our students made the most of their opportunity to work in the Clocktower Theatre, and put a lot of energy and enthusiasm into each performance.
We take this opportunity to thank all the families, extended family and friends who came along to support the company. It was also wonderful to see past students and their families come along too - and there were many familiar faces in the audience. It underlines that while students graduate from BSC, they are always welcome to participate in our community!
As ever, 'it takes a village' to put on a show - and so we extend heartfelt thanks to the many parents, carers, ex-students, staff and community partners who invested their time and talents to support Bye Bye Birdie.
Parent/Carer Involvement
As announced in the last Brunswick star, the college encourages more parent/carer volunteers to become involved in various school programs, camps, incursions and excursions throughout the school year.
These opportunities will be flagged via Compass and targeted to parents/carers as they arise - so watch Compass to see how you can become involved.
Any parents or carers who may be interested in participating are encouraged to investigate and apply for a Working With Children (WWC) Permit in preparation.
Parents/Carers can visit Apply for a Working with Children Check to find out more information and to get an application underway.
All volunteers are required by law to hold a current WWC, details of which must be sighted and recorded by the school prior to allowing volunteers to assist with programs.
Second-hand Uniform sale
The most recent Parents' Association Second-hand Uniform sale raised $1033 - money that the Association can now direct toward their projects which directly benefit all the students at the school.
As always, the parent/carer volunteer team was led by the dynamic Deb Gough, and included Ruth Sandy, Bec Haider, Jaom Fisher, Ivy Lu and Jayna Chhagan. These parents and carers donated just one hour of their time to run the sale - but look at the difference they have made!
Well done and, on behalf of the community, thank you very much!
If you would like to join the Second-hand Uniform sales team, your help would be most welcome. Just email to register your interest. Sales are conducted just once per term, and provide a great opportunity to make connections with other parents, carers and staff. Come join us!