Mr David Whewell | Principal
Mr David Whewell | Principal
NAPLAN results
This week we received the NAPLAN results for Year 3 and Year 5. Our leadership team is delighted with the efforts of our students. In particular, the reading and writing results for both year levels were very strong. Individual student results will be forwarded to families tomorrow. These results indicate that the style of teaching being implemented is having the desired positive effect on student learning.
Evacuation Drill
On Monday afternoon your child may have mentioned that at 2pm the alarm sounded, and the entire school swiftly moved to the sportsground. This was our emergency evacuation drill; held as a practice should we ever need to vacate the facility due to danger such as a fire. The students and staff did very well, recording a time of 5 minutes 50. Not bad for a group of close to 800 people. Many classes were there in under 3 minutes. Most impressive was the display of school values from our students who showed great maturity in taking the drill seriously and looking out for one another.
Maths Game Night
Congratulations to Kate Cugnetto and her team on the very successful parent workshop on July 24th. We had approximately 60 parents in attendance, playing a range of mathematical games that they could then take home to share with their children. Each parent received a child friendly pack of cards and a booklet of ideas for use at home. Thank you to those in attendance, and to the nine staff who gave their time to support the learnings.
Upcoming Dates
Please note that Friday 4th August is a whole school curriculum day. Students are not required at school. Their Care will be available to support families if required. Book Week is coming up, with our whole school dress up day on Wednesday August 23rd. I am starting to plan my outfit now!
Attempted Break In at PPPS
On Sunday night we were alerted to the presence of two male adults attempting to break into the school. Local police were prompt in their response, including a visit by the police chopper. Two suspects were apprehended, and justice will now take its course. Thank you to our neighbouring families who always keep a protective eye on the school grounds.
Board Games
This term we continue to offer our Library as a safe space to students who require a break from the yard at recess and lunch. Students either read, draw or play games individually or with peers. If you have any spare board games that are still in good condition, that you no longer want around the house, please consider donating them to us at the office.
David Whewell | Principal