
0ne-two-rful 1/2s

Term 3 Week 4 2023 - Friday 4th August


What have we been up to? 

The 1/2 Students have got back into the routine these past two weeks. Students have been learning about the structure and language features of a persuasive text. We have written a joint persuasive text together after our classroom chairs went on strike because we have not been taking care of them. Each class wrote a persuasive letter to the chairs to try and convince them to stay. The students did such a great job that our chairs decided to come back! 


In maths we have been learning about 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional shapes. The students have really enjoyed going on 2D shape and 3D object hunt around the classroom and school. We have been naming, describing, drawing and making different shapes with playdough throughout the two weeks. 


We have started Geography in Inquiry by looking at Continents of the world and Geographical tools such as maps, compasses and GPS. The students have loved learning about the state they live in and all the other states of Australia. In Science students have been focusing on seasons and weather. Each student has started a weather diary that they will fill in each week by looking at the changes in the weather and temperature. 


We have been learning the school song in AUSLAN the past two weeks and have the opportunity to practise as a whole school when singing the school song at assembly each week. We are very excited to keep practising and show our skills every week at assembly!




Here are some photo highlights from the fortnight that was! 

1/2A – We made 3- Dimensional shapes using play dough. 



1/2B - We had fun making 3-Dimensional Objects out of playdough. 





1/2C - We went on a 3 Dimensional Object hunt in the yard. Can you spot a cylinder? 


What is coming up?


In the next fortnight we will be learning how to summarise a range of texts. Students will be using the 5 Finger Retell Summarising Tool to help them summarize who, what, when, where and why to help them retell the main points of the story or text. 



Students will be independently writing their own persuasive text on a topic they have chosen next week. They will use their knowledge of the structure of a persuasive text and the language features used to help them write their own. After finishing their persuasive writing they will begin to look at different types of poems and the language features used.



In the next two weeks the students will be learning about money. They will be managing their own store during math lessons to get them engaged with different types of Australian money and how it is used. Students will practise their counting skills by adding and subtracting coins. 



Inquiry & Science

We will be continuing our focus on geography and weather for Inquiry and Science. Next week students will continue exploring geographical tools in Inquiry and for Science the week after will be on water cycles. 


Important reminders:

  • Please don’t forget to bring in your hats and water bottles as we have had and will be having more hot days. 
  • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's classroom teacher through Compass or via the school email and it will be passed on to them.


  • Specialist Days 
  • Monday – AUSLAN (with classroom teacher)
  • Tuesday - Health, Art/Cultural Studies & Music 
  • Thursday - PE & Art/Cultural Studies