Fabulous 5/6 

Grade 5/6

Term 3 Week 4 2023 - Friday 1stth of August 2023


Message from the Teacher:


The kids have really stepped up with their concentration and attention to detail to start this term and it has been really pleasing to see. Both classes are settling back into their classroom routine and expectations and understanding the importance of the next few weeks of learning. Everyone is also looking forward to camp, with forms and money returned, attention turns to packing lists and the fun we are all going to have.


In writing we will be continuing with our poetry unit, with the topic culminating in the creation of a ballad or 5 verse poem.  In reading both classes will be starting on their new Book Club text, Journey to the Centre of the Earth for 5A and 47 degrees for 5/6A. We will continue exploring the language, the context and the themes and history of both texts to deepen our understanding of what we read. In maths our groups have shifted to our multiplication and division skills with a focus on times-table knowledge and problem-solving skills. We are seeking to deepen the understanding of the students by giving them opportunities to show their knowledge and apply it in real world scenarios.


Our emails are: Nicholas.Duckett@education.vic.gov.auSamuel.Boontjes@education.vic.gov.au

We will try our best to reply within 48 hours of receiving any messages from our community.


What have we been up to?

My name is Patrick, and I am a leader in sport, and I am Hugo, and I am a leader in Tesla.  

This term, in Writing, we started poetry. So far, we have done rhyming poems and Haiku poems. In Reading, we have been reading different non-fiction texts on various topics. We read about how the dinosaurs went extinct, learnt about amber, why we should have Maths and Science, and the Nobel Prize. In Inquiry, we have been learning about tectonic plates. We also looked at volcanoes. Every Monday, we have been enjoying our library sessions. 

We are looking forward to camp. We cannot wait to see our friends every day and sleep overnight with them.