News from the Library

Book Talk with your Library Captains

This edition, our Library Captains, Eloise Rogers and Imogen Evans interviewed Ms Bainbridge.


Q: What book are you currently reading?

A: I’m reading about five books at the moment, but I’m in the middle of Fellowship of the Ring.


Q: What is your favourite book/author/genre?

A: I’m interested in sci-fi and crime, like some of the Jo Nesbø.


Q: What is a book that is meaningful to you?

A: A lot of classic literature, like some of the Jane Austen books, as my parents would read to me a lot.


Q: Do you prefer your stories as books, audiobooks, eBooks or podcasts?

A: I prefer physical books over digital ones.


Q: Do you have any books you would recommend?

A: I read plenty of Anthony Horowitz books when I was in high school, and for fantasy I’d recommend The Dark is Rising Sequence, or maybe the Lord of the Rings. I’d also recommend the Chronicles of Narnia.

June/July Artisan of the Month

Congratulations to the winners of the June/July Artisan of the Month:

Student: Jessica Sprague

Staff: Della Zhang


All entries can be viewed in the Gallery at the top of the Artisan of the Month channel in the Library Teams page

August AotM Now Open

All details can be found on the Library Teams page – AotM channel. A quick overview: there are three categories - Student, Staff, and Family & Friends. Submissions can be emailed to: 


If it is a Family & Friends submission, please mention which student or staff member you are connected to.


Don't forget to follow the College Instagram account for all the latest Art & Technology news: wantirnacollege_artsandtech


Joanne Montgomery

Library Manager