Getting to know us

Get to know our fantastic NPS team

Each issue, we will be introducing you to a member or two of our school staff team! 

Shannon Washington! 

Roles and Responsibilities :  

Visual Art Teacher, PLC Leader, House Co-ordinator


Years worked at Newtown PS.



What is your last played song on Spotify/Apple Music? (no cheating!)

Tom Sawyer- Rush


If you were stuck on a deserted island with two books, what would they be?

Anything by Neil Gaiman or Timothy Zahn


What’s the one snack we’d always find in your kitchen?

My body weight in icecream


What Netflix/TV show are you absolutely obsessed with right now?

Just sitting here waiting for Ahsoka...


Name three people who you would invite to your dream dinner party

Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman


Describe your personality in a single word



What are your your top two hobbies / activities outside of work?

Martial Arts and more martial arts


I love being a member of the NPS community because...

The people in this community are beautiful rays of joyous sunshine that genuinely care about each other and are always willing to try new things and do their best!

Patrick O'Meara! 


Role:  Grade 5/6 teacher. I have taught at this school since moving to Geelong in 2016. I started in the Juniors, went into the Middles and have spent the past couple of years in the Seniors. Prior to teaching here, I was at Seymour, where I taught Prep and ICT and PE. Before that I was a journalist, specialising in sport and court reporting. 


Roles and Responsibilities :  

SLA PLC Leader. Digital Learning Leader


Years worked at Newtown PS.



What is your last played song on Spotify/Apple Music? (no cheating!)

Four Seasons In One Day - Crowded House


If you were stuck on a deserted island with two books, what would they be?

Don't Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus and When All is Said & Done - Neale Daniher


What’s the one snack we’d always find in your kitchen?

Cheese slices


What Netflix/TV show are you absolutely obsessed with right now?



Name three people who you would invite to your dream dinner party

John Coleman, James Hird, Maddy Prespakis


Describe your personality in a single word



What are your your top two hobbies / activities outside of work?

Being bossed around by a 4-year-old and gardening


I love being a member of the NPS community because...

of the students, they are a great group to work alongside and learn from