Mr. Barclay's Bulletin

A message from the school Principal. 

Hello NPS families. 

I trust that you have all had a great week and that your families are all happy and healthy!


Term 3 started extremely well, and as a staff, we are very proud of how our students have continued that great start. 


This week as you may have heard and seen via our socials, we had a live performance from the Australia Ballet Company which performed a student-friendly version of Romeo and Juliet. I have never seen 200+ students so captivated by a performance! Thank you to Mrs. Bedson for organizing such a wonderful experience for our students!    


Next Monday the 31st we have our Parent Teacher Interviews which start at 11:00 am and run through to 6:30 pm. We've had a lot of bookings which is great! We look forward to having these conversations between home and school and how we can all best support the needs of our students. As a reminder, students are not required to attend and for families who require this, EXTEND will be operating. 


Today, Friday 28th July is the final day for families to enroll their child into the school for Foundation in 2024. This is part of the updated DET Enrolment policy and reforms. If you know of any families that are considering sending their child/ren to our fantastic school, please have them email us ASAP. 


As mentioned in last week's assembly, we have recently received our 2024 NAPLAN data and I am very proud to say that our year 3 and year 5 students have done extremely well! This is certainly a testament to the effort they've placed upon their learning this year as well as just how hard our teachers and staff have worked to support all individual needs. I'll be sure to sure this data with the community once it has been shared at School Council in August! 


Finally, I wish Mr. McKinnis all the best for his bout of leave for the next two weeks! I am sure that for his time away he'll be thinking dearly of us all! On the back of that news... I congratulate and welcome Mrs. Shannon Washington to the role of Acting Assistant Principal. I am supremely confident in Mrs. Washington's capacity to step into this role and know that like Mr. McKinnis, will doing everything she can to support our students and staff.  


Thank you and have a super weekend! GO CATS! 

Newtown PS is Social

Are you connected with our social media accounts?

Did you know that we are on Instagram and Facebook? We love sharing our achievements and happenings with our school community, and one of the ways in which we do that is via our social media. We have recently re-activated our Facebook page and continue to post on Instagram also. Follow us via the links below.

NCCD Data Collection 2023

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about support provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).


Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:

  • year of schooling
  • category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional
  • level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.

This information assists schools to:

  • formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools 
  • consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools
  • develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.

The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.


The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. 


To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy (


Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal (


If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact the school.