Classroom Reports

Foundation & One

This week in maths, we are investigating money. Mrs Carrol has set up a shop for us to practise our skills. We are getting better at recognising the coins. At home, you might even like to play a game of 'Guess my Coin'. 

In Inquiry, we got to melt chocolate with our hands. Luckily the chocolate was in a bag! Although I'm sure we would have found a way of cleaning our hands. We are learning that some changes are reversible, e.g. when the melted chocolate cooled, it was still chocolate and not brussel sprouts!  Thank goodness. 


Mrs Chalmers, Classroom Teacher.

Years 1 & 2

A big thanks to those that were able to make the Learning Conversations. It was great to share the new things your child can do and have a team approach to their learning.

In maths we have been making arrays and finding arrays around the school. We have been thinking about the most efficient way to count how many items in our arrays.

We are also getting super quick at our two, ten and five times tables! Keep testing us at home!

In writing we are looking at, and writing stories that have a ‘tightening tension’. These stories are impossible to put down, you just have to keep reading them!

Yesterday we tasted some healthy smoothies made by some year nines, using a smoothie bike! Some of us were lucky enough to have a pedal!

Don’t forget the Calder Athletic Sports are on this Thursday. 

Have a great week.

Mrs McKenzie & Miss Martin Classroom Teachers

Year 3







Mrs Torney, Classroom Teacher.

Year 4


Year 4's have once again been engaged in their learning over the past two weeks.  


Students have continued to develop our knowledge and understanding of Earth and our Solar System.  They have explored this learning through fiction and non-fiction books and explored space travel through information videos.  It has been great to see students sharing thoughts, ideas and wonderings with each other, giving scope for further learning and developing their understanding. 


It was wonderful to see all Year 4 students participate in the House Athletics.  The enthusiasm to do their best was evident and we congratulate Zane for his achievement in being the top contributor of points for the 9-year-old age group.  Well done, Zane!  We look forward to taking that same enthusiasm with us to Charlton on Thursday!


On Monday we were lucky to have the Year 9 students present to the Year 4 class about their work in the garden.  It was wonderful to have a guided tour of the school vegetable garden and try a green smoothie with ingredients harvested from the garden and blended on the smoothie bike.  


Year 4 students are reminded to complete their weekly homework - tailored to help continue to progress their learning.  


Miss Anderson, Classroom Teacher.

Most Valued Person Awards 

Congratulations to our MVP Awardees for Week 4.

Ryder Gault
Mia Clarke
Lucas George
Evelyn George
Nate Turner
Jackson Guelfo
Nate Turnbull
Maora Pambudi
Charles George
Piper Denney
Nate Crees
Aysha-Rose Sullivan
Stella Polkinghorne
Ryder Gault
Mia Clarke
Lucas George
Evelyn George
Nate Turner
Jackson Guelfo
Nate Turnbull
Maora Pambudi
Charles George
Piper Denney
Nate Crees
Aysha-Rose Sullivan
Stella Polkinghorne

Year 8 Art 

Year 8 students have recently undertaken a Unit of work investigating portraiture and acrylic painting. During their investigations, students discussed the Archibald prize and researched an Archibald prize winner and their creative practice. Students then identified a personal ‘hero’ or ‘villain’ to create a portrait using their acrylic painting knowledge and skills. 


Please join us in supporting Wedderburn College’s ‘Bald Archy’ prize and vote for your favourite artworks in the following categories:


  • People’s choice (personal favourite)
  • Most Creative (best use of materials and techniques)
  • Most Original (most interesting imagery / composition)


Votes will be tallied, and prizes awarded for the above categories. 


The Year 8 Baldarchy artworks are on display in the front foyer with families and community members encouraged to vote during the next two weeks.


Please see Mrs Barker for any further information 


Photos of artworks on display during Learning Conversations with parents and students voting.

Year 8 Humanities

Year 8 students have been learning about Medieval Europe, their final task was to build a castle out of different materials. It would have been straight forward and easy enough however, students only got materials awarded to them by a spinning wheel! It was pure luck. The options were; wood/sticks, sand, rocks, paper and cardboard. Then the challenge was what adhesive students would get to bind their castle together. These were; glue, paper clips, sticky tape or nothing at all. Unfortunately, one group got nothing! After attempting multiple times to get their rock castle to stand alone it proved too difficult. Students did an amazing job with this task! 

Miss Van De Wetering, Year 8 Humanities Teacher

Year 9 Duke of Ed

Year 9: Mt Korong 

On the 17th of August the Year 9 class ventured to Mount Korong as a part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award. Students were required to carry their own daypacks along with a map and a compass. They worked in groups of three to support each other and answer a range of questions as they hiked up the mountain. Students did an excellent job of supporting and encouraging each other as they practiced using the compass and navigating the goat track. On the ascent we stopped a number of times to take in the amazing view! Once we made it to the top we took a quick group photo and then were racing against the time, to make it back to the college before 3:25. With different students taking in turns to lead the way down we took many different turns, which provided a decent challenge for us all. Students continued to support and encourage, while also challenging themselves. Well done to all students, it was a great day for a hike! 

Year 9 Smoothie Bike:

On the 31st of July Year 9 students delivered a presentation to all primary students about their Duke of Edinburgh Award and their role in volunteering while maintaining the school garden. Year 9 students have been working on this project on Mondays in D.O.E class time. They were tasked with planning and delivering an activity that would be suitable for each primary class. This was certainly something different from the Year 9s, and they should be very proud of their efforts. A smoothie bike was borrowed from the Loddon Shire Council, Healthy Minds Program, to create tasty smoothies from some of the vegetables grown in the school garden. This was a great opportunity for secondary and primary students to collaborate.  

Year 9s completing a an SWPBS Puzzle in Huddle


Miss Van De Wetering and Ms Herrington, Homeroom Teachers

Year 10

It's been a busy start to the term for our year 10 students. We had fantastic participation at the recent Athletics Carnival, in terms of attendance, dressing in house colours, and competing. Along with picking up the age group champion award, Trav Lowe equalled the school record in high jump. Amelia Buschmann and Kalais Crees also won their age groups. Sianna Thomas won the 'best dressed' award for our class. A fantastic effort by all on a fantastic day.


Next week the class is undertaking three days of drivers education training and we hope the world is ready for them to be getting behind the wheel. This excellent program also includes a night drive to acclimatise students to differing road conditions. 


The leadership skills of Lillian Stephenson, Ella Weber, and Sianna Thomas was on display this week as they presented to the Year 9 class on their experiences at the School for Student Leadership program in 2022. Some of our Year 9s have the opportunity to follow in the Year 10s' footsteps and to take advantage of this amazing opportunity.      


Finally, 2024 subject selections are upon us and the class has been deciding on which pathway is right for them for VCE. We're hoping to see a wide range of exciting studies undertaken next year at Wedderburn College. 


Mrs Barker, Mr Iser and Mr Merrit, Year 10 Homeroom Teachers

Year 11 & 12 


This week, the Year 12 students celebrated Christmas in July. Being acutely aware that they will be finished school well before Christmas this year and therefore, will miss the celebrations, they decided to give presents and eat Christmas food to celebrate having only 9 weeks of formal schooling to go! Remember, only 90 days until the first exam!


Today we are featuring Year 12 student, Rachael Humphrey. Rachael has turned 18 and has successfully acquired her driver’s license. She works three times a week at the local supermarket and enjoys a hit of golf and creating inspiring artworks.

This year Rachael is studying Art Making and Exhibiting and Biology as well as VM Maths and English. She has held several leadership positions in her time at Wedderburn College including Year 2 SRC, Primary Sports Captain, Year 8 SRC and she is currently a Year 12 SRC rep. Rachael counts amongst her greatest achievements the Quiet Achiever Award in Year 6, a Personal Excellence Award for VCE Studio Art, Psychology and English and making it into the top four for the Jill Millie Public Speaking Competition. 

When finished school, Rachael would like to either get an apprenticeship or traineeship as a carpenter or cabinet maker. She aims to stay ambitious and work hard to achieve her goals. In 10 years from now, Rachael sees herself as being away from Wedderburn and experiencing all types of environments, trying new things with different jobs along the way. Finally, Rachael prides herself in treating everyone fairly and reasonably and she also tries to encourage other students to try their hardest and strive to achieve their chosen goals.             


Mrs Ritchie, Mrs Woodman and Mr Gretgrix, Year 11 & 12 Homerooms Teachers

PE News - Mr P & Miss Milne



  • On the 3rd of August, the Primary students have their Calder Athletics Sports at Charlton Recreation Reserve (Charlton Park). Please remember to bring a packed lunch, snacks and water. The day will begin at approximately 9:40am and conclude between 1:30-2:00. Students will catch the bus from Wedderburn College at 9:00am. Parents, Carers and Guardians are welcome to come along and support their child/ren.
  • Throughout the last few weeks, the Primary students have had the Year 9 students assist with their Athletics Rotations on Thursday’s and Year 11 and 12 students throughout the week. Big thank you to those students. Our Primary students really enjoyed learning from you. 
  • At the conclusion of the Calder Athletics, Primary students will move into our new unit of Indigenous Team Games and Dance.



On Friday the 21st of July, it was with great relief (after rescheduling last year’s three times) that we held our annual House Athletics Sports. It was a fantastic day, that saw many students and community members come dressed up in house colours. 

Big congratulations to JACKA for taking out both the Secondary Shield and Primary Drew Ritchie Memorial Shield.


11-12 Years: Bianca Mansell & Blaz Cramp

12-13 Years: Violet Stephenson & Trai Clarke

14 Years: Kayla Cramp & Jamie Penrose

15 Years: Amelia Buschmann & Noah Winslett

16 Years: Kalais Crees & Travis Lowe

17-18 Years: Neve Nisbet & Zen Joyner


Year 9 Peer Coaching 

Last term our Year 9 students completed a peer coaching unit. To begin this term, they have been tasked with coaching our Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 students in various Athletic Events. They have been doing this to prepare our primary students for the upcoming Calder Sports this Thursday. Year 9 students have found that they need to change how they give instruction to the lower primary students compared to when they give instruction to teenagers. They have been doing a great job with this. Well done.



Mr P’s Secondary PE Student of the Fortnight is: This fortnight, the award goes to Kalais Crees. Kalais constantly demonstrates our expected behaviours in PE/Health classes. She does this through active participation and giving her best effort in practical classes. She shows responsibility in health classes by completing all her classwork and handing in assessment tasks in a timely manner. Well done Kalais on your fantastic efforts. Keep it up. 

Miss M’s Primary PE Student of the Fortnight is: Nate Turnbull. Nate has been challenging himself to ensure he scores 3’s in his Athletics. Additionally, Nate has been a team leader during this unit and has led by example. Well done, Nate! 

Reports Survey For Parents


The College is asking for Parent feedback on the end of Semester reports.

Parents would have received their child’s semester report at the end of last term.

The College would appreciate parents taking the 5-minute survey by the following link


Feedback from the reports will be considered as the college investigates alternative formats to reporting student achievement.


Thank you for your time.

Homework Club

Homework Club is held each Tuesday and Thursday at lunchtime in Room 11, students can drop in and work in a quiet, warm space. They can work independently or get help as required. As this is a voluntary program designed to give students an opportunity to catch up, own their learning, or get ahead, Homework Club is a chance for students to demonstrate our core values of Responsibility and Resilience. 


Don't wait for the end of semester to view your child's progress. Log in to Compass and view teacher feedback and feed forward at any time by checking out your child's Learning Tasks. Children also receive regular (every 5 weeks) progress reports on their Organisation, Behaviour, Attitude to Learning and Work Completion. Learning Tasks and Reports can be found on you child's profile page.