Secondary Notices

Important Dates
- Friday, August 4 - Student subject information sessions - Current Year 8/9, Shakespeare Day
- Friday, August 11 - Trial HSC Exams conclude
- Monday, August 21 - Leave Weekend (Staff Development Day)
- Tuesday, August 29 - School Photos Senior Secondary, Years 10-12
- Wednesday, August 30 - School Photos Junior School
- Thursday, August 31 - School Photos Calrossy 7-9
- Friday, September 1 - House Shakespeare Day
- Monday, September 11 - Year 11 Exams Commence
- Wednesday, September 20 - Year 12 Boarder Farewell
- Thursday, September 21 - Year 12 Graduation
- Friday, September 22 - Year 12 Formal Dinner
Subject Preferences Year 8 - 9
In Term 3, Calrossy students will submit their preferences for subjects they would like to
study in 2024. This process will commence with an information session for students to explain the processand allow them to speak to teachers from each faculty about the subjects available at Calrossy.
We warmly invite parents to also attend these sessions so that they too can hear about the
Subject Preferences process and have the chance to speak to teachers about potential
choices for their child.
- For current Year 8 and Year 9 students who are choosing elective subjects for Years 9 and 10 in 2024: Friday, August 4th, 12:20pm at William Cowper Campus auditorium
Each session will last approximately 1 hour and will include a short presentation outlining the process before an exhibition-style forum to speak to teachers. Representatives from each faculty will be present along with some external providers such as TAFE.
Following these sessions, a recording of the presentations will be made available on The
Hub, and detailed information about the process and the available subjects will also be
available online. Parents will be emailed when this material is published so that if they are
unable to attend the sessions they will still have access to all information.
Students will be required to submit their subject preferences by Tuesday, August 22nd. This is the day following the Leave Weekend so that our Boarders will have the opportunity to discuss their choices with their parents in person before submission.
Calrossy is fortunate to be able to offer a wide variety of courses that cater to the diversity of student preferences in each cohort. Rather than run a fixed set of courses every year, each year Calrossy determines which of the available offerings will run based on the preferences of that cohort's students. This helps ensure the maximal number of students are able to study their preferred subjects. Students should carefully consider which subjects they elect as their collective preferences will determine which classes are formed the following year.
One Night Only
School Photo Day