From the Heads of Secondary

Julia Boland and Stephen Price

Servant Hearted Leadership


At Calrossy our approach to student leadership is rooted in servant heartedness with Jesus as our ultimate example. At times students’ leadership involves students wearing a badge, in most instances it’s the day-to-day activities that are incorporated in to life at Calrossy including: 

  1. Leading our own learning: We encourage students to take responsibility for their learning by being prepared for their lessons and seeking help as needed
  2. Service projects: Throughout the year, our students participate in various service projects both within the school and local communities. An example of this has been the work completed by students in 7-9 in the purchase and renovation of the ‘Caravan of Courage’. 
  1. Peer Support: We encourage older students to mentor and support younger students. This was on display at the recent NAIDOC Assembly where a Year 11 student choreographed a performance for and with students in Year 7-9
  2. Character Development: Alongside academic education we prioritise character development. This in embedded in all our lessons along with highlighted and showcased on Expeditions.

2024 School Leaders

This term, our Year 11 cohort go through the School Leadership application process for badged leadership positions for 2024. Over the coming weeks students from Year 11 will have the opportunity to speak to their peers about their leadership goals for the year ahead. We are thankful that so many of our students are willing to engage in this process and we look forward to hearing from them in the coming weeks.



Julia Boland and Stephen Price