Important Survey Information for Parents

Learning in Partnership – Perspectives Survey
An important necessity for School leaders, is listening to parents, students and staff. We value parents as important stakeholders, providing feedback and important input into the quality of what we do. This is one of the ways we work in partnership to support best outcomes for students. For Senior staff and Principals, listening is an essential task. Not all feedback is positive and I am continually grateful to those who take time to share with me both the good things they observe, as well as areas in which we might do better.
With all this in mind, very shortly Calrossy will be participating in a School-wide Perspectives survey. This will be undertaken on our behalf by the Association of Independent Schools NSW (AISNSW) and the survey is open to students from Years 5 - 12, parents and staff. It will be conducted anonymously, allowing feedback in a range of areas including teaching and learning, wellbeing, communication and assessment. Parents will receive an individual email link to a survey to allow participation in this important exercise.
A similar Survey took place in 2020 (just prior to the COVID outbreak) and the feedback provided vitally contributed to our strategic plan and future planning. Please respond to this survey during the two-week window that will be provided during August.
Once the 2023 Perspectives survey is undertaken I will share the responses with the school community, that will inform our continuing approach to best outcomes for our students and promote ‘Excellence in Christian Education’.