Senior School Report

Welcome to Term 3
Our Senior School students have returned from holidays refreshed and ready to take on term three. Term three is very busy with subject selections, motivational speakers, and preparing for end-of-year exams. The Senior School team is proud to be working with our students and looks forward to the term ahead.
Reflections from Year 10 Work Experience:
"I completed my Work Experience at the office of Kim Wells, MP. As a Member of Parliament, it is paramount for the staff of the member to ensure that they are doing their best to engage and work on behalf of the constituents of the electorate.
During my week, I undertook many tasks in the office, including mailouts (mailing out important information to the electorate), birthday letters, research of organisations, shredding papers and corresponding with important constituents.
I greatly enjoyed going to Parliament House in the city on two occasions. I helped take a tour of Parliament House with the Year 6 students from Scoresby Primary School.
I also got to watch the Members of Parliament debate vigorously over issues of importance during Question Time. I also greatly enjoyed helping Kim Wells at the 2023 Victoria Day Awards. Seeing people be rewarded for their efforts in the community was satisfying. I learned much throughout my time, but I learned most about the processes of how Parliament works on a sitting day. Overall, it was a tremendous experience that was great fun."
Brayden Corey
"I have recently completed work experience working for the Salvation Army. During this time I did several things such as working the register, sorting and pricing bags, clothing, and accessories, putting items on display and some shop floor cleaning. I enjoyed working with the team, and learning how their job does make a difference and how the little amount of time I spent there did indeed help those in need. I also enjoyed spending my time helping the employees with their jobs."
Lachlan Day
"I worked in Scoresby Bunnings from the 19 June to the 23 June for work experience. I was running stocktake, putting stuff on shelves and helping customers find what they’re looking to. What I enjoyed working at Bunnings is that I was working with people and getting to know what it’s like to be part of the workforce."
Josh Beech
"I completed work experience at Bunnings Scoresby, and I had a tremendous week there. It was a valuable experience as I got to do things that I wouldn’t normally do. Some things that I enjoyed were being able to work in a team environment to stock the shelves, putting empty boxes in a cardboard crusher, and being able to help customers when they asked questions. I learnt a lot about customer service, being able to complete tasks efficiently and working collaboratively with people I had never met before. Overall, work experience was a fantastic experience and I appreciate this valuable opportunity that we have been given."
Aaron Carter
Senior School Key Dates:
Tuesday 25 / Wednesday 26 July | Year 10 PST Interviews – VCE Course Counselling |
Monday 31July | Year 12 Only VTAC applications open on this date and close on 28 September at 5 pm) |
Wednesday 2 / Thursday 3 August | Year 11 PST Interviews – VCE Course Counselling |
Friday 4 August | Marathon Runner – Guest Speaker Year 7-12 |
Friday 4 August | Year 11 2024 Subject Selection Forms Due at General Office by no later than 4pm. (Forms are only to be submitted via the office where they will be date stamped upon receipt). |
Monday 7 August | Year 12 2024 Subject Selection Forms Due at General Office by no later than 4pm. (Forms are only to be submitted via the office where they will be date stamped upon receipt). |
Friday 11 August | Glen Gerreyn Motivational Speaker – Year 10-12 |
Friday 18 August | Year 10 World Skills Excursion |
Friday 15 Sep | End of Term 3 |
Monday 18 – Wednesday 20 September | Knox VCE Revision Program Year 12 Units 3/ 4 (Attendance requirements exist for this program) |
* We encourage our Senior School students to attend University/TAFE open days that are occurring throughout July/Aug. Open Days are conducted during weekends.
Please visits the VCAA website for the 2023 Exam Timetable
Ms Michelle De Boer
Head of Senior School