Junior School Report

Term 3 in Junior School
Welcome back to all Scoresby Secondary College community members,
What a positive start to term 3! The first two weeks has seen all our students return with much excitement and huge smiles. So many students said they enjoyed the term break with friends, family, going to the movies, holidaying interstate and even overseas! WOW! Many simply stayed at home and re-energised. Regardless of how we all spent the holidays, it was wonderful to return to the buzz of school life!
Over the term break, I hope that our students reflected on their first semester and made note of their own many strengths and some areas of improvement. Now is the time to begin applying the feedback, from the reports, to ensure that growth, improvement, and development continue throughout semester 2.
Individual Educational Plans
Recently, our Junior School students reviewed their semester 1 IEPs (Individual Educational Plans) and were able to reflect on their ‘beginning of the year’ school and personal goals and to continue with planning their Semester 2 goals. For those who were absent or unable to complete their Semester 2 IEP, you will need to;
- Log into COMPASS.
- Access the IEP document from the NEWSFEED IN YOUR HOMEGROUP PAGE.
- Copy the information from your semester 1 IEP plan into the CURRENT IEP form.
- Complete all sections including 2 NEW GOALS FOR SEMESTER 2 2023.
We encourage all our students to complete an IEP to focus on the adjustments, goals, and strategies they require to meet their individual educational needs to reach their full potential.
Students should.
- Set clear goals.
- Use their student voice to engage and take part in their own learning.
- Realise their strengths and potential to achieve positive educational outcomes.
- Realise their individual and shared responsibilities.
- Acknowledge their achievements and progress.
There are a few simple things that parents/ carers can do to assist their child in setting themselves up for success:
- Have a designated homework/ study area away from distraction such as social media.
- Update any stationary or materials if required.
- Check Compass on a regular basis for learning tasks, events, and notices.
- Assist with setting up a homework routine. If students have not be given formal homework from the classroom teacher, they should be using that time to revise concepts learnt in class, complete independent reading, and preparing themselves for upcoming tests.
Challenge Program
During this term, students in Years 8 and 9 will be participating in the Respectful Relationships/ Challenge Program. The RRRR (Resilience, Rights, Respectful Relationships) program focuses on issues of gender, respect, violence and power, and educating students on respectful relationships and violence prevention as well as supporting others.
The program also offers a range of activities designed to challenge students physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. This year, students will participate in the following activities:
- Ninja Warrior: An obstacle course which tests student’s physical strength whilst developing teamwork, coordination, discipline and focus.
- Team Building skills: A variety of problem- solving skills which aims to improve communication between students and develop trusting relationships.
- Yoga Mind and Body: An opportunity to practise mindfulness, flexibility, strength and posture.
- Circus skills: Learning a variety of skills which creates a sense of achievement and boosts self- esteem.
- Operation Energize: Encourages students to develop an understanding and enjoyment of exercise through group exercise.
- Cartooning: Allows students to be creative whilst testing their observation and motor skills.
- African Drumming: An opportunity for students to immerse themselves in a different culture, whilst learning the importance of teamwork in order to achieve a shared goal.
This year the program will take place in the final week of Term 3: Monday 11 September – Thursday 14 September.
More information as well as consent forms will be provided to students and parents via Compass.
Information Evenings
The academic year has entered into the forward planning stage and as such the College is inviting all Year 8 and Year 9 parents and guardians to our information evening. The event will take place on Tuesday 25 July.
The information evening will focus on the transitioning of current Year 8 students into Year 9 in 2024 and the transitioning of current Year 9 students into Year 10 in 2024. Information on;
- 2024 Subject selections
- Careers information
- The expectations of Year 9 and 10 students and the School Policy
- An outline of important events.
We strongly encourage all students, parents and guardians to attend.
Year 8 Information Session:
Time: 6:00pm - 6:50pm
Room: 206
Year 9 Information Session:
Time: 7:10pm - 8:00pm
Room: 206
Children’s University
It’s official! The Children’s University is now at Scoresby Secondary College. Children's University (CU) Swinburne is an innovative program that expands young people’s opportunities and builds confidence in learning.
CU Swinburne for Years 7-8 supports students to explore their interests via a range of activities that they can do outside of classroom time. All activities are linked to careers and their pathways to expand their future opportunities! Members receive a 'Passport to Learning' for logging their hours of learning. Upon reaching milestones in the program, members are invited to the CU graduation at Swinburne, donning caps and gowns as their achievements are celebrated.
For our Year 9 students, CU Swinburne becomes a volunteer and leadership program. Members are given a 'Passport to Volunteering', to log their hours for:
- Volunteering - in the community, within their school environment and within our program.
- Building their leadership and communication skills as they develop and run activities at local partner CUS primary schools and other programs.
Blaise Rogers of Year 7 made cookies.
Jade Jones, Year 7 visited Canberra with her family and completed learning activities at The Botanic Gardens, AIS, Parliament House, The Mint, Questacon and the War Memorial.
Rayd Rachman, Year 7 participated in the Architecture School Holiday Program, researched a rural town and learnt the Noongar names of some of our native mammals.
Khushdip Kaur, Year 7 constructed a most comfortable abode.
The program is still in its early stages, however I look forward to seeing our CU members participate and grow in all aspects of their choice.
Scoresby Secondary College prides itself on providing continued support to all students to assist in their learning and personal growth. We encourage positive and constructive partnerships with parents and guardians, to ensure our students are inspired to be their very best. All students are expected to attend school and classes daily and any absences are to be report to the school. Parents and guardians are encouraged to contact either their students’ homegroup teacher or coordinator with any concerns or questions.
Mrs Kiriaki Caracasidis
Head of Junior School