Assistant Principal Reports 

Attitudes to School Survey

Attitudes to School Survey results are now available for teachers to examine and evaluate with a view to further developing engaging classrooms where students strive to achieve and enjoy learning in all facets of the school day.  Survey results will be shared with student leaders and focus groups at each level to examine, celebrate the positives, and focus on areas for further development.  Some student leaders will facilitate a staff meeting, where they will share their interpretation of the data with teachers, as they work alongside them to develop classrooms that further foster a love of learning.



On Friday 28 July, a symposium will be held  at Scoresby Secondary College at which Year 9 students will present the work they have undertaken as one of their major English tasks. Students were required to develop a campaign to present to an audience on how they can make Knox a safe community to thrive within Victoria.  The audience includes students from other year levels,  parents and special guests including City of Knox Mayor, Cr Marcia Timmers-Leitch, Clayton Sturzaker, (Dep’t of Education, Area Executive Director – Outer East), Hon Kim Wells, State Member for Rowville State MP, Hon Mary Doyle, Knox Federal MP,  Patrick Kelly (State Member for Bayswater)  Pam Hawker (Local Area Commander – Knox Police) , Members of Knox Proactive Police Unit and members from Knox, Rowville and Boronia stations.


Course Counselling

On Tuesday 18 July, Year 10 and Year 11 students and parents attended a VCE information evening in readiness for their course counselling sessions where they will discuss their aspirations and select a course that best places them to achieve those desires in 2024.  The evening was very well attended and over the next few weeks, students, along with their parents and carers, will meet with senior school staff to make their subject choices and discuss the best pathway to achieve their aspirations.


We invite our Year 8 and Year 9 students, along with their parents and carers to an information evening on Tuesday the 25 July to discuss their options for the 2024 school year and the increased choice that comes as one progresses through secondary schooling.



This week, our Year 10 students participated in the second session of their investigation into the ‘World of Bees’ at KIOSC at Swinburne University.  Students  met an apiarist who makes candles as students showcased their creativity  designing and creating Bees Wax Wraps. KIOSC provides many engaging experiences  for our students to enhance their learning about science. Kulari Lokunge Dona Director of KIOSC who visited the class, complimented the students on the high quality of their designs. Kulari was so impressed she  invited our students to present their work at the KIOSC Science Communication Conference in August.


Women in Trade Expo

Late last term, a group of Year 11 and Year 12 girls attended the Women in Trades Expo held at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre. Here is what one of those girls thought of the event.

Attending the women’s trade show allowed me to see that I have opportunities within male dominated fields through hands on workshops, technological demonstrations, specific and general instruction, panel discussions and informal workshops.


The expo gave an opening to engage in collaborative endeavours in a wide range of industries including building and construction, electrical engineering, plumbing, automotive and marine, aviation, robotics, mining, agriculture and more.


Overall, it was a great experience that enlightened me on career platforms and pathways available to women in a male dominated workplace.

Susitina Von Heiderbrant

Year 11


Mr Ayman Youssef

Assistant Principal - Teaching & Learning

Semester 2

Firstly, a big welcome back to our students, staff, and wider community as we embark on another term of learning. Term Three ushers in the commencement of Semester Two and a range of new learning opportunities for our Year 7 – 10 students. 

With so much curriculum to offer, our Year 7 and 8 students continue with their core studies in English, Mathematics, Science, Chinese and Physical Education this semester and change over the subjects within the Arts and Technology learning domains.   Students enjoy the applied learning which occurs these subjects which include:  Music, Design and Technology Information Technology,  and Art. 


Year 9 students have enjoyed the opportunity to access their three new electives for semester two. The diverse range of exciting electives this semester delivered by our high-calibre staff include: 

  • Project-Based Learning
  • Art
  • Music
  • Drama
  • Design Technology Materials
  • Food Studies
  • Mandarin

Our Year 10 students  subjects for Semester Two include:

  • Food Studies
  • Science – Biology and Psychology
  • Science – Horticulture
  • Science - Physics and Chemistry 
  • Design Technology Materials 
  • Health Education 
  • Drama 
  • Media Studies
  • History 
  • Information Technology
  • VCE Unit 2 Legal Studies 
  • VCE Unit 2 Biology. 

In  Year 9 and Year 10, the electives offer the opportunity to consider future pathways before committing to a two-year program in VCE; or simply to try something different that they may be interested in! 


Mrs Major in her report discussed the 2024 VCE information evening, led by Ms De Boer held earlier this week.  Subject choices will be high on the list of priorities for our current Year 10 and 11 students. While a myriad of factors will be considered by most students, an easy consideration is to think back to your electives, and core subjects, and reflect on which subjects really motivated you to learn and which excited you to get to the next class.


Mr Mark Corrie

Assistant Principal - Facilities