Positive Climate for Learning Update

As part of the school’s uniform review, student surveys have now been completed across all year levels, allowing students the opportunity to vote on what styles of male and female-fit pants and shorts students would like to wear. Results will be published to parents in coming weeks.
Epping Secondary College is also in the process of reviewing the school’s short-sleeved polo tops and introducing a new uniform item – a long-sleeved fleece top.
The school will keep you informed as more information comes in about all these items. Please note – if any uniform items change there will be an extended change-over period in terms of purchasing new uniform items.
As this review comes to a close, please continue to ensure your child is in correct uniform every day.
Epping’s new Merit System is now well underway, with students now receiving recognition via XUNO entries to parents and carers for positive behaviour in the class, yard and in representing the school.
To date staff have awarded approximately 1900 merits.
Congratulations to all recipients.
Thank you to parents and carers for your support of our school Code of Behaviour, and supporting your child and our staff if your child is exited from the classroom, resulting in the issue of an after-school detention.
Students are given three clear opportunities to amend disruptive behaviour prior to a classroom exit, if this is the cause of an exit.
Please continue positive conversations at home in supporting teaching and learning as we all work towards the best futures for our students.
Annette Spence
Assistant Principal - Positive Climate for Learning