Principal's Report

It gives us great pleasure to welcome our school community back to the College for Term 3. We hope that all students and their families were able to spend some time together over the break and took the opportunity to relax and reflect on what you have all achieved so far this year.
It is a busy term with many opportunities for students to engage in activities beyond their classrooms, and many opportunities for parents to connect with us and support the learning and wellbeing approaches being delivered by our dedicated staff team across the College.
Staffing Update
We welcome a number of new staff to Epping Secondary College in Term 3:
Rebecca Feduniw - Humanities/English Teacher
Matthew Trestrail - Humanities Teacher
Sanya Bosevski - Macedonian Teacher
Jason Tsagalidis - Maths Teacher
Gabriella Krywult - English Teacher
Lorilea Paterson - Front Office
Joanne Imperatrice - Front Office
Student Reporting and Three Way Conferences
Thank you to the many parents and carers of our Year 11 and 12 students for engaging with us last week for our three-way conferences. These have been an ideal opportunity for students, parents and teachers to discuss the strengths and areas for development for all our senior students as they strive towards making the most of their learning pathways in Semester 2. I encourage all students to take on board the insights shared by teachers as some key pieces of guidance to support your success over the next few months.
This means ensuring you have a study space available at home, some dedicated time to complete work/revise work and to study, and the willingness to lean on your teachers for guidance and assistance along the way. We also encourage all of our senior students to balance their school workload with other activities that give them a break and an opportunity to recharge, this might be through a part-time job or sporting / leisure activities that they pursue.
Parents and Carers are reminded that all student reports for Semester 1 are now available through XUNO. If you are yet to have a look at your son or daughter’s report, we encourage you to log on to XUNO and have a look over the weekend ahead.
A reminder to our Year 7-10 students and families, that three-way conferences between students/parents and teachers will be held on Thursday 24th August. On this day no classes will be running as students are asked to attend interviews that all teachers across the school will be involved in. Further details, including how to book will be provided to families shortly.
Preparing for 2024
We are now well and truly in the planning phase for 2024 and as such it is important that we have an accurate indication of our student numbers for next year. If you are one of our existing families and relocating at the end of the year or leaving us for other reasons, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can best support the transition of your son or daughter to work, TAFE or another school setting.
Jared Williams
Acting College Principal