News from the Learning Community

Performing Arts Term 3
In performing Arts this term, we have been focusing on Music. Students have been exploring a variety of different music terminology, symbols, notes, instruments and creating and developing their own songs. It has been wonderful to see students develop their skills in creating, refining and presenting their pieces in class.
In Prep, students have explored the concepts of Rhythm, pitch, singing and body percussion. This allows them to explore a wide range of terms and knowledge within the music program.
In Grade one, students have been focusing on their ability to match pitch, explore dynamics and refine their ability to recognise different instruments. It’s been wonderful to see our grade ones explore our school instruments in class.
The Grade two’s have been looking at melodic and non-melodic instruments and how they can be used within a song to create emotion and feeling.
In Grade 3 the students have been exploring how they can change the mood of a song using different instruments, rhythms, dynamics and tempos. While also exploring their ability to explain both similarities and differences in songs.
The Grade fours have been developing their understanding of music terminologies and the structure of a piece of music. The grade fours have been developing their ability to write a piece of music on the stave and have the understanding to know what the notes on the stave mean. It’s been wonderful seeing their creations come to life.
In Grade 5, students have been using their knowledge to write a full-length piece of graphic notation and then use both a melodic and non-melodic instrument to play and perform their piece. The grade five students have done an exceptional job of these pieces and it’s been wonderful watching them come to life.
The Grade 6 students have been creating and developing their own original songs about weather. These songs will then be presented and played to the prep students in week 8. The students have created some very engaging and beautiful songs to play and teach the preps. We cannot wait for these to be present in the coming weeks.
Wakakirri 2023
The Wakakirri team have been working extremely hard over the past 6 weeks creating, developing and learning their entry piece. The Wakakirri story this year follows the life of a student who has been bullied at school. Students wanted to explore how we could create an item that could make change in our school and create positive bystanders who speak up when they know things are not right. Students have been extremely invested in our school piece. It was wonderful to see students perform a snippet at assembly last week, which was given a great applause after. We are looking forward to filming and connecting all the dots next week. Congratulations Wakakirri students on what has been such a wonderful process so far this term.
Specialist Awards
As always, our students have been working hard during their specialist times! With 4 sessions a week, our Specialists come together and pick out the Home Groups that have shown our ACS values the best! Take a look at our winners this week…
Year 3 Learning Community
Jump Rope for Heart kicks off this term at Armstrong Creek School
Jump Rope for Heart is the Heart Foundation’s primary school skipping challenge that helps kids move more, have fun and raise funds for lifesaving research and programs.
This year we’ve got an audacious goal to see our student Heart Heroes at ACS to log 40 hours of skipping throughout the program! Register your child online, so they can receive the full benefits of the program and participate in online fundraising, simply follow the link below to get started.
Students will be skipping throughout the term in PE lessons, during lunch break and during class time, during this time you can share their online fundraising page with family and friends to help raise money for this great cause.
We will hold our school Jump Off Day in week 9 this will mark the end of the program and is a chance for everyone to come together to skip and show off their newly learned skills.
Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program!
ACS Art Show