Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Families and Community members,
Principal Update
This week we have seen a soccer revival in the playground! Thanks to the success of the Matilda's, the resurgence of soccer as a recess and lunch time activity for our students has been ever apparent. Hopefully we as a school community and as families can harness this enthusiasm for outdoor, wholesome team fun! As the weather keeps improving, we can continue to promote that a fit and healthy lifestyle is just as much about taking care of ourselves as it is one another, having fun at the same time!!
Today we welcomed managers of the South Western Victoria Regional Student Achievement Division who had requested time at Armstrong Creek School to learn more about our framework for providing responsive instruction to all students along with tiered support, intervention and extension depending on individual point of need.
This Multi-Tiered Systems of Support framework is one which is about to slowly be rolled out across many other schools in the state as a best-practice model for ensuring educational excellence and access for all children. ACS is recognised state-wide as a school which is leading the way with this integrated, holistic framework, having begun its official implementation in 2020 and now experiencing significant success in student learning outcomes from Prep right through to Year 12.
The application of an MTSS framework means that we are continually reflecting and adjusting our instruction to meet the needs of our students, both Academic and Wellbeing, in a timely and highly responsive manner. Our teachers and education support staff do this systematically by evaluating ongoing data each week, but also by analysing and adjusting by the day, hour or even by the lesson and minute to make sure that there is no missed opportunity for learning and that no one slips through the cracks.
Like everyone, we are lifelong learners and continue to grow and improve based on how well our students are responding to our practice. Whilst we certainly don't profess to being the absolute experts or knowing it all, we are most definitely making huge gains in what we do and will continue to learn and evolve.
However, our guidance in all of this does come from the experts - our students! They are quite literally the experts in learning who teach us something every day about what it is we can improve or modify to meet their needs and help them grow. Our job is to take the time to look, listen and understand their guidance so we can know precisely what our next steps should be!
Booklist survey
Thank you to the 81 families who completed the survey recently distributed to gather information in relation to booklists, ordering items and delivery/distribution. We had families representing the student population from Prep through to Year 12 which will help to guide our process for 2024.
From those who participated, we received the below responses. These along with comments and recommendations will help us to ensure we have a broad perspective when making decisions about booklist and general resourcing for 2024 and beyond.
Free Sanitary Products in Schools
In an Australian first, the Victorian Government committed to providing free period products in all government schools from 2020 onwards. Dispensers providing free pads and tampons have been installed in every Victorian Government school in the state, including here at ACS. There are dispensers located in Fairhaven, Bells and Beacon and students can access these at anytime.
Providing free pads and tampons in schools aims to:
- Provide students with the confidence that there will always be period products available at school.
- Relieve students of the stigma, anxiety and discomfort that can be associated with menstruation and its management.
- Ease the cost of living for families.
Lack of easy access to period products can negatively affect attitudes, behaviours and equal participation in sports and everyday school activities. Having pads and tampons available at our school will help students to manage their periods with greater ease and less embarrassment, and will help to normalise periods as a healthy part of growing up.
The use of period products provided at the school is optional. Providing both pads and tampons in schools allows students to have a choice about what products they use based on preference, maturity and cultural beliefs. Students can also take products home if they would like.
Information available from the following websites may assist you to have conversations about menstrual health and hygiene at home:
- Periods (suitable for 9-15 years) Raising Children - the Australian Parenting Website
- Girls with autism spectrum disorder: periods Raising Children - the Australian Parenting Website
- Periods Jean Hailes for Women’s Health
- Yarning about periods Jean Hailes for Women’s Health.
Late Arrivals \ Early Departure
A reminder for families that school hours are from 8.55am - 3.10pm and all students are expected to attend during these hours unless otherwise arranged with their home group teacher or leadership team.
If your child needs to attend a medical appointment, we request that, where possible, these appointments are made outside of school hours.
Late Arrivals
Each day, learning starts promptly at 8.55am. If students arrive at school after 8.55am, a parent\carer MUST accompany them to the office and sign them in on the Compass Kiosk. Students will then receive an arrival pass to give their teacher and make their way across to the learning community.
Early Departure
If you are collecting students early please ensure to allow enough time for staff to retrieve students from their learning communities. This can take longer than expected especially if they are in Specialists Subjects and not in their learning Community. If you are able, please call the office prior and advise them of the collection time and we will do our best to have them ready for you when you arrive.
Book Week
Have a great week every one!
Kathryn Sier
Acting Principal