Principal's Message

Ms Reynolds

Fancy bins = less rubbish??

That is our wondering. 

We have a big problem with children dropping rubbish on the ground and not in the bins. So - we've run a competition to design some artwork for the front of the bins. One winner from each class has been chosen (see below). Their artwork will be sent away and made into a large sticker for a bin in our school! We hope that the interesting bins will encourage kids to go and put their rubbish in the bin!

some winners!
more winners!
some winners!
more winners!

Kids run businesses 

Today, our Stage 3 students will host a Mini Fete. They've been working in teams on a business proposal all term. They have taken inspiration from a range of young entrepreneurs and considered pricing, audience, marketing and service. Money raised will go towards subsidising the Year 6 Farewell function. I've got my coins at the ready!

Dress up day!

Get ready for Book Week to come to GEPS! Next Tuesday 22 August is our annual Book Week Parade. Come dressed as your favourite book character - or anything to do with reading and stories! Many staff will dress up - parents can too!