Student Awards
Student of the Week - 02/03/2018
Prep/1S - Larna D'Agostino - You are always ready to learn and constantly give 110% effort to all your tasks. Your confidence has really grown. Keep it up!
Prep/1H - Blade Turvey- Displaying enthusiasm in all of his learning tasks and participating well in his first swimming sports.
2/3C - Charlotte Codiga - For working very hard during our place value unit and trying her best. Her persistence paid off when she got 100% on the test. Great work Charlotte!
2/3R - Corey Cook - Corey enjoyed representing Red House in the Swimming Sports. He followed directions responsibly and was always keen to do his best.
3/4S - Noah Johnson - You dive into everything with enthusiasm and focus - a super role model!
4/5W - Tyler Cook - For displaying a caring attitude towards another person and for having a go in every event at the Swimming Sports. Well done Tyler!
5/6H - Darby Salter - For showing excellent sportsmanship at the Swimming Sports - congratulating all the participants in your race.
5/6S - Ainslie Trease - For consistently producing work and effectively helping others. You also take opportunities to extend your great leadership skills.
Student of the Week - 09/03/2018
Prep/1S - Georgie Hall - For being very responsible in our classroom by being ready to help our Preps. Keep it up!
Prep/1H - James Blake - An awesome effort in our first BIG WRITE for this year. Great spelling attempts. A fantastic effort in addition too!
2/3C - Liam Woolley - For trying his best to complete his work on time and making an effort to write his words on the dotted thirds.
2/3R - Arianna Hope - For an awesome effort in accurately recalling number facts in our game of Maths Tiggy.
3/4S - Hunter Kubeil - A wonderful week of focused work and sensible choices!
4/5W - Jade Holmes - Well done on using your time wisely in Homework Club. I am impressed with the range of vocabulary you have used in your letter writing.
5/6H - Crystal Jarrott - For concentrating hard to learn new concepts in maths - you set appropriate goals and are striving to achieve them.
5/6S - Bobby Hall - For interacting positively with other students during a range of writing tasks. You contributed lots of interesting and creative ideas and listened to the contributions of others.
Aussie of the Month
Prep/1S - Zavier Archer - For being a kind and caring member of our class. You always listen to the teacher and follow instructions.
Prep/1H - Indy Lourens - Always displaying our school values. Being a kind and caring friend. Working very hard in class on all of her learning tasks.
2/3C - Nate Warrin - For being respectful and kind to his fellow students and letting them play with him at recess.
2/3R - Shaely Eddy - Shaely is a kind, caring friend towards everyone and she always follows the school values.
3/4S - Cooper Tetley - For being a calm and helpful student who is willing to have a red go at anything, and can be relied upon by his many friends.
4/5W - Ava Morgan-Trease - For always being on task, making good choices and helping others.
5/6H - Cobie McGraw - Being a hard, organised and conscientious worker who listens well and efficiently completes all set tasks. you are a caring friend and classmate - always willing to help others with their work or in the yard.
5/6S - Conner Waites - Has a positive attitude to learning. he always works hard, stays on task and willingly assists others. Conner is a responsible member of our school community.