Parents and Friends News

Krispy Kreme FUN-draiser

The Mount Carmel College Parents and Friends Association is running a Krispy Kreme FUN-draiser to raise FUN-ds that will support the College in providing valuable FUN-ding towards items that directly benefit students at Mount Carmel College.

Families and Friends of the College have the opportunity to purchase two of Krispy Kreme’s most popular dozen packs:

  • Original Glazed Dozen                            $23.00
  • Fundraiser Assorted Dozen                  $27.00

Order forms have been sent home to all families, but if it has been misplaced, more are available at the College Office or can be downloaded here:


Order forms must be returned to the College Office tomorrow, Friday 16 August by 3.00pm with full payment (cash or EFTPOS accepted). Alternatively, you can pay using the Qkr! by Mastercard app – the same app that the College uses for canteen orders.  Due to Krispy Kreme’s strict order policy for FUN-draising orders, no late order will be accepted, nor will any orders without payment.


Your orders will be available for collection on the afternoon of Arts Evening – Wednesday 4 September from 2.00pm until 4.00pm – from the kitchenette outside the Drama Room. Please ensure that you collect your order on this date as the doughnuts are tastiest when they are fresh. Krispy Kreme do not take responsibility for “old” doughnuts.


Thank you for supporting the Parents and Friends Association in their FUN-draising drive. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate in contacting the Parents and Friends Association at: