A Word from the Principal

The Dream

A number of months ago now, Rob Owens (Drama Teacher extraordinaire) came to see me.  He had decided that he would use Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Nights Dream” for the College play.  Being an odd year meant that our Year 9/10 Drama students would use this play for their main performance piece.  I have to honestly say I shuddered, in fact I think I said to Rob – “Really? Do you think Shakespeare is the right choice?”  I know that having sons who have complained about secondary schools doing Shakespeare to death probably didn’t help, but I was a little worried about how this would go. 

Rob wasn’t deterred by my lack of enthusiasm – he too had a dream. 

He brought the students on board, ensured the Music department was organising the score, the Digital Design class was organising the lighting and Rob began to weave his magic.  The magic is of course imagination. He had the students imagine what the set could be like, what the play could deliver and then he gave his students the skill to deliver the play.  I had parents complain about the practise schedule but also applaud the hard work and commitment it was fostering.  The play wasn’t just going to happen, the students were working hard to make sure they were going to deliver the best Dream they could.

It was, in reality, a magical dream. It brought to mind the many dream quotes:

Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech.

Sleeping Beauty “They say if you dream a thing more than once, it is likely to come true.”

Walt Disney’s “If you can dream it, you can do it.”

Eleanor Roosevelt’s “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

Mahatma Ghandi’s “ Dreams at first seem impossible, then seem improbable, and finally, when we commit ourselves, become inevitable.”


Not just a plan, that would be so practical…but a DREAM.  Sitting in the magical forest, watching and listening to the comedy unfold, was indeed magical.  Seeing the students rise to their roles, challenge themselves to deliver the script and to engage the audience – was a privilege.  Afterwards a parent said to me “You must be so proud of the students.” I am! More so, I do hope they are proud of themselves.  These achievements are not mine, they are solely the students.  I thank Rob, Dave McNamara, Anthony Peck and Lynda Hudson.  These teachers empowered the students to Dream. And dream big they did.

Staff News

On a more solemn note, Ida Saracino, our much loved Prep teacher, is again undergoing treatment for Cancer. I thank the staff, parents, students and wider community who are gathering around her in prayer and positivity.  Maureen Fasnacht, Brooke Slattery and Emily Coleman are working together to ensure the Prep students are being well looked after and the teaching continued.  Ida is hopeful of returning to her Religion co-ordination time in Week 5, but at the moment is resting up and gathering her strength.  I ask you to keep Ida in your thoughts and prayers.

Thought for the Week:

Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.


Mrs Fiona Nolan
