Out and About the School

School Magazine

It's not too late to purchase the St Xavier's Yearbook 2018, The Gateway Magazine.

Order and pay on Qkr and it will be delivered to your childs class.

Kinder 2020

P & F Country Fair


Friday 22 February

Out of Uniform Day in exchange for students donating a jar of goodies for the JARARAMA Stall at the Fair. You can fill the jars with lollies, hair accessories, toys, craft etc. As long as there are no nuts and no used items.

Wednesday 27 February

Last chance to purchase pre-paid arm bands for the Fair ($25.00 each). Alternatively, you can purchase them on the night of the Fair for $30.00 each, or until sold out. Individual ride tickets can also be purchased for $5.00  each on the night.

Friday 1 March

Cake Stall Friday! Please bring donations of homemade cakes, slices, muffins, biscuits etc to the St Xavier's Hall in the morning. Please label all items with ingredients.

Canteen News

Welcome back to 2019!

Help is needed in the canteen on the following days:

3rd/5th Wednesday of each month

Every Thursday

1st/4th/5th Fridays

It is great fun, and a great way to meet new people. Even if you can only help for an hour, it is much appreciated.

Please contact Sue Strachan (Canteen Manager)

school 6742 1136 

home 6742 1379

Uniform Opening Hours