From the Principal

Thank You.

Three weeks have now passed and the students and staff as well as family members have begun to settle into a routine as strange and unfamiliar as it may be.

Thank you to parents and carers for the patience and understanding you have demonstrated during extremely challenging times. You are hearing many mixed messages from various levels of Government as well as being peppered by international news regarding restrictions, illness and mortality rates which merely causes confusion.  Through all of this we know our community is suffering with job losses, routine changes, movement restrictions and it is at times overwhelming.

What I do need you to know is that your school, your teachers, Education Support Staff and Administrators are right there with you riding this wave of uncertainty, ready and willing to help.

We too have friends and family out of work, children at home struggling to learn, technology challenges and a house that feels to shrink in size by the day, even though we understand the reason why.

The adherence to social distancing has worked and we are all thankful that because of your support, we will soon be back to regular face to face lessons with a new appreciation for what school and freedom of movement has to offer. So to you Parents and Carers I say Thank you!


To our amazing students, I understand you have had to adapt in an incredibly short time to a new way of learning. The benefit has been that your ability to problem solve, become independent learners and be more aware of your world has increased. Unfortunately your access to support mechanisms of teachers, integration aides, school friends and family members has been limited and this has been difficult. We also know that some of you have had difficulty accessing the internet or a device and we have been as proactive as possible and expect the last of the internet dongles and devices to arrive next week.

If at any time you feel you need more support, there are multiple ways to address this through emails to teachers, online meetings, year level coordinator contact or through the front office of the school. We have various supports available including finding technological support, putting you in touch with Headspace, inviting you into the school for a meeting among a range of other ways to help, you just need to ask. We know this time has been tough and you have been incredible. The end is now in sight and your learning is important so we need you to stick with the task for just a little longer. We are proud of you and know you can do it!


Our teachers and support staff also are going above and beyond at this time from home juggling the many challenges they face with technology, video conferencing, telephone calls and their own families together with them in isolation. Please take the time to ask your teachers for help when you need but also to thank them for the extra work they are doing to ensure you will not fall behind.

Capital Works Update

On a lighter and brighter note, we are closer now than to any time in the past 5 years to see our new school building construction begin. The Stage 1 plans have been updated and presented to School Council and include new science wings, food technology, metal and wood areas as well as a new Administration. This is incredibly exciting and I have attached some image designs below.   There will be some adaption to the library in preparation for pending demolition which will occur on both the East and West Campuses prior to the end of the year following the October Budget. Those who profess a love of arts will see that there have been some substantial upgrades to the Music Centre and it is now a space for The Arts including fine arts, music and drama.

Open Door

To conclude, Thank you all for everything you are doing as a community to support our students. Please contact us when you need as you have been doing and continue to stay safe for just a little longer.