Miss Munro's Maths Message

Brady 7B


And we say goodbye to another term! A few other changes have happened in the maths faculty since the last newsletter. Alistair Payne has now taken up a new position in the Science Faculty and we welcomed Jenny Clark and Kathy Powell into maths. We thank Alistair for all his work over the time he spent in maths, and we wish him well in the Science Faculty. So what have we been up to in this final sprint of term 3?

Year 7 & 8

We have finished off our Coding work for now, and it’s been amazing to mark the students’ work. We have some very creative students in our school. The aim is to help our students develop more than just a foundation of knowledge, but also a solid skills set that they can apply to a range of different areas. Working through the coding task meant that students often had to teach themselves a lot of new things, and find the answers to questions that they had. These are skills that build confidence and resourcefulness. Well done to everyone for their great work – it’s been a busy term with all of our coding and Maths Pathway work.

Rylan 7A
Bridie 7A
Rylan 7A
Bridie 7A

Year 9 & 10

All I can say about what the 9/10s have produced is…. WOW! Most students really put in a lot of effort and produced work which really highlighted the knowledge they had about rates and ratios. They were able to see just how often we use rates and ratios in our lives without even realising it! The Teachers were also pretty happy because some students brought in delicious baking as part of their assignment! The students should be commended on their ability to think outside the square and how they have adapted to shifting their thinking about what maths looks like.

:) For the parents

Check compass for all of the assessment results and feedback. Don’t forget that you also have access to Maths Pathway (parent portal) so you can look at what your student has been working on over the year. If you need any log in details, send a quick email to your student’s teacher and we will be happy to forward them on. Next term we look to be just as busy! And we can’t wait. Have a wonderful school break, and see you all back in Term Four!