From the Principal

From the Principal
As another huge term comes to an end there is much to be positive about at Baimbridge College.
Not only do we have an amazing group of inclusive students and supportive and knowledgeable staff but we have strong connections with family and the wider community. Much of this community support has been the driver behind finally having both the State Government and the Coalition opposition commit to funding stage 1 of our new building project development. This means that regardless of which party forms Government, we can be confident that Stage 1 will be part of the new agenda following the election.
New Building project
The 8.4 Million dollar commitment will allow Stage 1 to be constructed and will comprise of Administration, Resource Centre and Food Technology. Simultaneously we are looking at having demolition works discussions on the disused areas of the East campus and hope these can get underway as soon as possible.
Year 12
With only 2 weeks of formal classes remaining for Year 12 the holidays will be an opportunity for revision and final preparation. We certainly encourage all of our students to set achievable objectives as they prepare for end of year exams and wish them every success. Try to get a balance between revision, exercise and sleep to make the most of the remaining time.
Student Leadership
There will also be a contingent of 6 students heading to the School for Student Leadership, Snowy River campus. This is an incredible opportunity for students to step well outside of their comfort zone and work on a range of social and emotional skills as part of an overall curriculum to improve their leadership capabilities.
We recently received a letter of thanks from Mr. Bill Garrett due to the volunteer work completed by our students in raising money for Legacy during the Annual Badge Week Appeal. It is a great community connection we have with both Legacy and the RSL in helping to raise funds and I would like to congratulate all students who participated.
Subject Selections
Subject selections are almost complete and we can now begin to determine which subjects will run from year 9/10 and 11/12 in 2019. We are endeavouring to run as many subjects as possible dependent on interest. If you have any concerns in this space please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sporting Success
Some outstanding success at the recent regional level of competition and there will be more details later in this newsletter. It was a small team but an outstanding effort. Well done to all. South West Games commenced their season by observing our year 7 boys and girls across two weeks complete a range of gymnastic challenges and I was lucky enough to be invited to watch both groups enjoying a fabulous program.
P2E Program
A wonderful celebration was held at HIRL this week to celebrate the graduation of 4 Baimbridge Students as part of the P2E program in conjunction with WDEA and Southern Grampians Shire. Congratulations to Ben, Bailey, Maddie and Chloe.
Staffing Changes
Thank you to students and families for your patience during what has been a very challenging year in some departments to find staff when vacancies have arisen. Please be assured that we understand the frustration this causes and are doing everything we can behind the scenes to try to avoid this in the future. We are currently advertising a range of positions early to ensure we have access to the best available staff for 2019 and beyond. Miss Sharon is taking some leave early next term and will be replaced by Ms Claire Endacott and Ms Kathy Powell is taking on a junior Maths positon for the term due to a reshuffle in the Math Science area. Please do not hesitate to contact the school at any time should you have concerns regarding staffing or any other issues at any time.