Grade 3 - 4



Recently we have changed up the way we have been running our Maths lessons. Students have still been working on their next steps in learning but they have been given the opportunity to have multiple exposures to the same work. This allows them to be able to really understand their next step in learning. Students have been loving using Maths Online and also the focus groups where they can work together with each other and their teacher to build upon their mathematical knowledge. 



Students have been loving their independent reading time. They have understood the task of how to choose a ‘Just Right’ book. This week we have begun to implement our Reading Strategies. First up is Activating Prior Knowledge, students have been taking notes whilst reading. 




Students in Learning Community 4 have been writing amazing persuasive texts about a range of different topics. Students have been taught a range of different ways to add persuasive devices such as facts and high modality words. This week they have been writing their final persuasive text to show off what they have learnt during the unit. The teachers have been super impressed with the quality of students' work! 



Students have been continuing on learning about the First Fleet but also including some celebration or important days in Australia. This includes such days as Harmony Day and National Sorry Day. Students have been having some rich and meaningful discussions about what these days actually mean and the importance of why we celebrate them.