
We have had a very busy couple of weeks in Prep, consisting of lots of learning and fun. The students are now settling into routines nicely, continuing to build solid friendships and amazing us more and more every day with their growth and success.




In Reading, we have been continuing to learn a new sound and letter a day through the Jolly Phonics program. So far the amazing Preps have learnt 19 letters and 18 sounds, including ck, e, h, r, m, d, g, o, u, l, f and b. These 19 letters can be found in the students ‘Sound Book’ within their blue reader folders. We encourage all families to take the time to practise each sound every night. Regularly exposing your child to these letters and sounds will assist in developing their reading and writing skills.


Students have now been taking home a different book every night, which can be read with your assistance. We encourage nightly reading to get them used to the different parts of books, how books need to be read- left to right and to introduce the segmentation of sounds to read words. 



In Maths we have extended our knowledge of numbers! We are now able to count from 1 - 12 confidently and can show the value of these numbers through collections, pictures, fingers, and ten frames. The students explored their number knowledge through hands-on rotations this week. These activities were not only lots of fun but also great at strengthening their understanding. 



We have been working on some important skills in writing, including finger spaces in between words and using our knowledge of letter sounds to write words. We practised this through a recount writing session, which required students to copy the words ‘On the weekend’ and have a go at continuing the sentence. The Prep teachers were so impressed by the daring attitude towards this challenging task, with all students giving it a go by writing the sounds they could hear in each word. 

Cross Country and AFL Clinic:


We have been lucky enough to participate in lots of sporting events these past two weeks, including cross country and the AFL clinic. Preps participated in their very first cross country event on Friday the 4th of March. Their enthusiasm and sportsmanship was admirable and we couldn’t be prouder of all of our Preps who participated and gave it a go. 


To start our week off this week, we  were visited by Jackson, Gaby and Luke from AFL Victoria, who taught us some footy skills. The students learnt how to catch the ball- “chest mark” and how to kick it correctly- with the laces out. Overall they had lots of fun and it was nice to see them demonstrating our school value united  by learning these skills cooperatively with a partner.