Teaching and Learning

Common areas
With our strong focus on responsive and individualised learning we are developing class libraries in every common area to provide continual access to reading materials including a great range of cultural texts, indigenous texts and different text forms - non fiction as well as fiction. These areas are already proving to be popular with children of all ages.
Getting to know you - IELC
This year our IELC (Intensive English Language Class) continues to provide an induction to Australian schooling for new arrival refugee families in short term accommodation at Regency Park.
2023 has started positively for our IELC class as we focus on greetings and making each other feel welcome. Sriyani Mitchell joins us as the IELC class teacher for 2023.
After familiarising ourselves as a class to the school grounds and starting our daily routines the focus in our learning has been on the graphemes A and S, long and short vowel sounds, days of the week, months of the year, seasons of the year, colours, and counting from 1-20 forwards and backwards. We have also begun recount writing and using vocabulary to identify and name learning items inside the classroom. We are also exploring vocabulary for interactions and to discuss feelings at the start and end of the day.
We would like to thank Reception and Year 2 teachers for allowing us to share in some of their group learning lessons this week. We look forward to a very positive and productive Term 1.
Sriyani & Tarina