From the Principal

Dear Families,
Thank you to all the families who attended our first Open Morning as an opportunity to tour through the learning spaces, meet our educators and engage in some of the morning learning. What a beautiful morning we had with many families making the most of our breakfast barbeque and coffee van before visiting the range of learning spaces. We are very proud of our school and are grateful for the opportunity to share it with you in such a unique way.
Keep being involved...
Community voice and connection to Woodville Gardens informs many future directions for the site as well as improving the events and initiatives that we already engage in. One way of keeping a strong connection is to join the Governing Council. We meet twice a term. Our AGM is at 5pm on Wednesday 22nd February in the Music Room (next to the gym). We are looking for more members for 2023, please come along for more information, all welcome.
Attached are two excerpts from the draft report released just this week – one about our student’s hopes and the other ‘stop, address, start’.
From the CE of the Department for Education, Martin Westwell
In response to recent global challenges the Department has been capturing student voice to inform some of the needs to be addressed by the Departments future work. Students were, and are being, asked:
- What are you hoping for, what are you excited about, what concerns do you have, if any, about your future?
- And what can school/preschool do to help?
"At student forums we explored our learners' hopes for the future and asked what schools can do to help. We’ll be exploring this information further at Leaders' Day, but we also know that at this stage of the Purpose of Public Education consultation there are important voices not yet heard."
Parent and student survey - attached
Any parent of a child or student at one of our public schools or preschools is encouraged to complete it.
Thank you for getting involved in this important work.
Our term overviews were sent home in Week 1 to provide you with a broad overview of your child's learning for this term. Parent interviews will be held in the gym in Week 9, more information including how to book a time will follow from class teachers and in the Week 5 newsletter. Please ensure that your interview reply slip is returned to the class teacher promptly to ensure that you get your preferred timeslot as spaces are limited.
Reminders; Just a reminder that we run a 'no hat, play in the shade' policy at school as a sunsmart site and appreciate parent support in ensuring that all students have a school hat (bucket hat or broad brimmed) clearly labelled with their name in it, so that students can access the whole yard for Recess and Lunch play.