Dates to remember
2022 Dates to Remember
Term Dates 2022
Term 1: 28th January - 8th April
Term 2: 26th April - 24th June
Term 3: 11th July - 16th September
Term 4: 3rd October - 20th December
1st: Orders for tunics & skirts close
2nd: Fete
6th: Hot Cross Bun Drive (distribution date)
8th: Last day of Term 1 - Students finish at 2:15pm
26th: First day of term 2
27th: School Photos
29th: Cross Country
4th & 5th: Mother & Special Person's Day Stall
6th: Mother & Special Person's Day Event
9th - 20th: Naplan (Grades 3 & 5)
20th: Special Lunch - Sushi
26th: AGPS Athletics Carnival
27th: Pupil Free Day
30th: AGPS Athletics Carnival (Back up day)
23rd: School Disco
24th: Last Day of Term 2 - Students finish at 2:10pm
11th: First Day of Term 3
11th - 15th: Book Fair
28th: Special Lunch - Subway
29th: Pupil Free Day
15th - 19th: Book Week
16th: Book Week Performance
19th: Trivia Night (Adults Only Event)
25th: Laverton District Athletics
31st: Father & Special Person's Day Stall
1st: Father & Special Person's Day Stall
2nd: Father & Special Person's Day Event
2nd: Special Lunch - Pie Day
5th - 9th: Canberra Camp (Grade 6)
16th: Last day of Term 3
3rd: First Day of Term 4
22nd: Christmas Photos
28th: Grandparent & Special Person's Day Event
28th: Special Lunch - Baker's Delight Pizza
31st: Pupil Free Day
19th: Christmas Cake & Tart Order (Distribution Date)
TBC: Christmas Raffle/Fundraiser
20th: Last Day of Term 4 - Students finish at 1:30pm