Principal's Message to the School Community

Dear KPS Community

Mental Health Information Evening

Olivia Desormeaux, the inclusion leader at Mount Macedon and Macedon PS, has connected with the developmental paediatrician Dr. Billy Garvey from the Royal Children’s hospital.  Billy has kindly offered to host a parent information evening for free for the Macedon Ranges schools next Wednesday night, 30 March at 7:30 pm.

See Attached: Flyer

Expression of interest link

Rapid Antigen Testing in Schools Survey

Important feedback on the rapid antigen testing (RAT) program is being sought from our school community through a short survey that has been developed by the Department of Health.

RATs are helping students and staff to safely return to school and ensure positive cases are identified as quickly as possible. All RATs ordered by the Victorian government for schools are effective in detecting coronavirus (COVID-19) variants, including Omicron.To help evaluate and improve the roll-out of the program to schools and ensure that staff and students have the required support, a short survey is being sent to parents at a sample of Victorian schools. Our school has been selected to complete the survey from Tuesday 22 March 2022. The survey is voluntary and anonymous. Our school will have no access to your individual data or responses. The link to the survey is here:

You are asked to complete the survey by 5.00 pm Sunday 27 March 2022.


Alistair Rayner
