David's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,


What a week! We've really been hitting the ground running, with parent teacher interviews on Tuesday, lunchtime practices for our Harmony Day Performance, and the Nugal-ngaijin Garden really starting to develop with deliveries of rocks and sand. You can see the amazing work our parents, staff and students have been doing on this in the Nugal-ngaijin update page fo the newsletter. Our grade 1 students have been visiting the Royal Botanic Gardens and exploring nature while strengthening our relationship with the gardens.





You will see that our school council elections have also launched, with a call for nominations. We really want to hear from you if you are interested in nominating, and we would especially love to hear from our Culturally and Linguistically Diverse parents. Representation is really important for us, and with such a beautiful diversity of families at our school, it is vital that we hear those voice regularly when we guide the work of our community. Please come and have a chat to me or Sarah Weston, our school council president, if you are interested.


Please remember also to book in for the amazing array of workshops during the Know Yourself, Show Yourself, Grow Yourself festival. We're excited to see all of you there, plus of course make sure that the Friday 25th March is in your diary for a party from 4 to 9 pm. Click on the links below for more information!



