Around the Grounds

Pictured: The HT men's chorale performing at the P&F Picnic 

February 24 - March 17


Year 7 camp

On Tuesday the Year 7 class set off for their camp week down in Merricks. The group will spend the week on the Mornington Peninsula surfing, swimming, and partaking in lots of team building games and activities. The Year 7 Residential Program is a vital part of the Huntingtower extra curricula program. 


This Residential Program will provide students with the opportunity to build on, and improve, their positive communication and team building skills while interacting with their peers, and will allow them to challenge themselves in an unfamiliar environment. 


The year level will be divided into smaller groups and students will complete various activities during the week - including initiatives and team challenges, beach awareness and safety, an introduction to snorkelling, surfing, raft building, and line orienteering.


Here are some photos from the last few days:

Y9 Triathlon 

Exactly 2 weeks until the big day! The Year 9s have been training hard for their triathlon.

Pictured is the special Y9 sports shirt, we'd like to give a big shout out to Charlotte in Year 9 for her wonderful shirt design this year - they look great!

Year 12 Jumpers

Our school leaders were excited to receive their special year 12 jumpers!

The class of 2022!

EISM sport


Well done to all of our Senior Sport teams that compete on Wednesdays. So far in Term 1 we've had some brilliant results in the sporting arenas - with quite a few of Huntingtower's senior teams sitting a top their respective EISM ladders. 

Results so far:


Boys Basketball A:        2W - 1L

Boys Soccer A:              2W - 1L

Boys Softball:                 2W - 0L

Boys Table Tennis:       1W - 2L

Boys Indoor Cricket:    4W - 0L

Mixed Tennis:                4W - 0L


Girls Basketball:            2W - 1L

Girls Soccer:                  3W - 0L

Girls Softball:                 2W - 0L

Girls Table Tennis:       2W - 1L

Girls Hockey:                 0W - 4L

Girls Indoor Cricket:    2W - 1L

Food Tech

Hugo H and Marcus P in the Year 11 Food Studies class demonstrated how to shuck, prepare and cook abalone that they went diving for over the weekend. The boys have been going diving for them as the weather has been nice and they wanted to share them with their class. They cooked the abalone two ways – sashimi style with a wasabi and soy sauce, and flash fried with chilli and lemon. 

Ruby Anstee
PE, Health and Food Tech Teacher