
Pictured: School Captains Ella and Oscar 



Road Safety 

Dear Huntingtower Community,

While it is absolutely wonderful that we have commenced the 2022 school year with minimal restrictions and it is a buzzing hive of activity, it is also vitally important that everyone is mindful of road safety while driving both within school grounds and also the surrounding streets during drop off and pick up times.


Recently, the Huntingtower Office has received several phone calls from very concerned members of the community regarding the manner in which some drivers are conducting themselves. I have also personally witnessed unsafe driving behaviour on campus. 

I appeal to all families to please slow down and adhere to all road rules.  I would also particularly like to remind drivers that exit is via the main gates to Waimarie Drive only.  Do not exit via the road between the Senior Gym and Tennis Courts.  This is one way entry into the School only


With everyone being back on campus, it is more important than ever to be patient, leave sufficient space between your vehicle and other vehicles, stop at pedestrian crossings and most important of all, slow down and be aware. 


Road safety is everyone’s responsibility and we all must contribute to ensuring the safety of our students, staff and families. Rushing to be somewhere is never important enough that we should compromise the safety of our loved ones and the loved ones of others. 

Thank you for your cooperation in this serious matter.


Yours Sincerely,

Andrew Houghton

New Senior School Library Hours 

For a trial period from the 15th March to the end of term, the School library will be open from 8.00am-6.00pm Monday to Thursday and 8.00am -5.00pm Friday. Students are asked to familiarise themselves with appropriate Library Codes of Behaviour HERE

Year 7 - 12 Period 6 Timetable

The Period 6 Program provides students with the opportunity to get involved in the many clubs and activities Huntingtower offers. There are a wide range to choose from including chess, book clubs, debating, choirs, orchestras and Duke of Edinburgh.


In addition to the many extra-curricular activities, Period 6 provides students with the academic support they need to achieve their learning outcomes. Every subject offers at least one session a week for students to meet with teachers to gain help or seek extension opportunities.


Parents and students can find the most up to date Period 6 Timetable HERE.

New Child Safe Standards

The New Child Safe Standards will commence in Victoria on 1 July 2022 to strengthen child safety. 


Over the next few months Huntingtower will review and develop our current child safety polices, practices and culture to incorporate these new Standards. Eleven new Standards will replace Victoria’s current seven Standards and principles.

Key changes to the Standards include:

  • involving families and communities in Huntingtower’s efforts to keep children and young people safe
  • a greater focus on safety for Aboriginal children and young people
  • managing the risk of child abuse in online environments
  • greater clarity on the governance, systems and processes to keep children and young people safe

We look forward to sharing our updated Standards that will continue to strengthen Child Safety at Huntingtower.

Student Photos

Note for parents: Student photos will be distributed in the first week of Term 2