
March Careers News

I have been continuing to meet with Year 12 students this term and the conversations we have had have all been very constructive and thought provoking. The feedback from the students about their appointments has been so positive and I hope they are sparking discussions at home about future pathway options. The students have now started working through a research task in their Futures lessons to enable them to understand more about what is involved in the courses they are interested in, in the hopes that they are in a strong position to select courses they are best suited to later in the year.


Work experience is an excellent opportunity for students to increase their independence, start to develop an understanding of the world of work, and potentially enable them to spend some time working in a career area of interest. Work experience this year will take place for all Year 10 students from the 25th-29th July (the second week of Term 3). While this is a difficult time to try to secure work experience placements due to covid regulations and many employees continuing to work from home, we are requesting that placements are arranged by the end of Term 1, if possible. There is a short online form for students to complete as soon as a placement has been arranged and this can be found on Firefly here. There is also a work experience arrangement form that must be completed by the student, parents/guardians and the employer and returned to the school. This form can be found on Firefly here.


While Year 11s were unable to complete work experience in 2021, we strongly encourage students in this year level to also make an arrangement with an employer to participate this year. This will need to occur during a school holiday period, and it will be a highly beneficial experience for them in their career education journey.  The work experience arrangement form will need to be completed and returned to the school, and this can be found on Firefly here.


Students in Years 10-12 and their families who are interested in attending the VCE and Careers expo at Caulfield Racecourse on Saturday 30th April, can find information about the available sessions, exhibitors and how to purchase tickets here. This is a good opportunity to chat to representatives from various tertiary institutions in the one place, although it does not replace attending university open days. While tertiary institution open days do not begin until a little later in the year, Deakin University is offering campus tours during the upcoming school holiday period. Information on how to register can be found here.


Finally I would like to remind students and parents/guardians of the weekly careers newsletter that is uploaded to Firefly here. It contains important updates for students regarding early entry programs, scholarships and course requirements. Currently of note is information regarding early entry applications for the Australian National University in Canberra, which was published in the newsletter on Friday 4th March. The application period opened on March 2nd and closes on Monday May 23rd and further information can be found on the ANU website here.


Alison Howard
Career Pathways Advisor