Pictured: The P&F Committee & parent helpers at the welcome picnic

From the P&F

Change of Huntingtower P&F Leadership


At our recent P&F Annual General Meeting held on March 2, P&F reconvened our committee from 2021 and were joined by our Heads of School, Mr Houghton and Mr Mahon.  Also in attendance were our Class Representatives for 2022.  We welcome our Class Representatives to the P&F team and thank them for accepting their important roles as our link between the P&F committee and parent community.


Importantly, at the AGM we held our office-bearer elections.  2021 was my last of 5 years as P&F President and I have stepped down from the role that I have thoroughly enjoyed over those 5 years.  Our Treasurer of 4 years, Yong, and Secretary of 2 years, Lana, decided to not renominate for their respective roles in 2022.  I would personally like to acknowledge and thank both Yong and Lana for their dedicated service to P&F and for the wonderful assistance and friendship that they have extended to me during that time.


The leadership of the P&F has been passed to new and capable hands, with the nomination and election of a new President, Secretary and Treasurer, all of whom were existing committee members in previous years.  I congratulate and welcome our new office-bearers in their new roles and am confident that P&F and Huntingtower will be extremely well-served by their experience, vision and love for the school.


Justin Rulton – President

Nilesh Patil – Secretary

Lei Ping - Treasurer


In vacating my role as President, the new leadership group takes with them my best wishes for their success in continuing the mission of the Huntingtower P&F.  It has been my privelege and pleasure to serve as President since 2017.  I will remain on committee to ensure that our new leaders enjoy my continued support and to remain a member of committee that is so vital to the life of the school and ultimately, to our children.

Stuart Canning

Welcome Picnic


P&F welcomed school families, staff and students to our Welcome Picnic on Fiday, March 2.  The weather held off for us as we enjoyed the company of several hundred friends, with the hospitality of a sausage sizzle, Huntingtower coffee cart, popcorn and an amazing evening of entertainment from the talented student performers.  


All the brilliant attributes of Huntingtower were evident on the evening and it was great to see families embracing the opportunity to reconnect after two difficult years.  


Sincere thanks to P&F committee members whose organisation and commitment ensured the night was a great success; to David Mowat, Head of Music, for engaging the participation of the student performers for a full music program; to staff who assisted with serving and mingling with families and to all who came along to enjoy the evening.  


It was a heartwarming and affirming start to 2022.

From the P&F Committee