Celebrating our HT Grads!

It was lovely to welcome the Class of 2010, 2011, 2015 and 2016 back to campus, especially after the hiatus. Due to restrictions, there were 4 reunion events that sadly couldn't go ahead in 2020 and 2021, so on Sunday March 6 there was a combined celebration! Alumni from the four reunion classes met at Huntingtower for a welcome tour and get together before heading off to their separate after parties.


Big thanks to the committees for rallying the troops, organising everything and being willing to put yourselves forward.  It’s certainly worth the effort and have set the mark for reunions to follow.


We had 60 on the tour and over 100 at the 3 functions.

Thanks to Mr Houghton and Mr Thompson for representing the School and the Board, and to Mary, Olivia and Eleni for supplying us with a lovely welcome of afternoon tea and caffeine!


Thanks to Dennis Huang (Class of 2021) for the awesome photos!                                                                                                                                                     

See more photos on the HOSA Facebook page: 


HT Future Pathways Event


PSA - For an upcoming HT careers event we would love former students to help out!


We are calling for any HOSA members who would be interested in talking to current HT students about university and a range of grad topics…


Anyone who:


• Has had a full university experience- been in clubs, uni games, associations, exchanges, held office or some things beyond just study


• Might not have achieved the ATAR but have found other ways


• Got the ATAR but entered a course that required a lower ATAR – followed what you loved!


• Had a great industry experience with their university courses, practical experiences through University networks



We’d love to hear from you, could you please email mbeal@huntingtower.vic.edu.au or message us!

HOSA Archives Display

Lynn Bruce
Lynn Bruce

A small HOSA project started by our volunteer Archivists 2 years ago was finally erected this week.


As we move towards our 100 year anniversary we are slowly compiling interesting collections from our past.

So far we have compiled school leaders and house captains, principals, history of the houses, war years and students who served in WW2, and lists all old shows.


The latest displays show examples of the vehicles used in the past and uniforms from the past. 

As well as 2 small panel exhibiting values cherished at HT.

Big thanks to Lynn Bruce who did the amazing design work and all the research with the help of Libby Kitchingman.

Rob Kitchingman
Project Manager

Job Opportunity 



A Christian Science Nursing Home


We are currently seeking casual staff to take on domestic duties such as

cleaning, ironing, food preparation and cooking two or three days a week

with times negotiable. This may suit a parent or friend with appreciation of the values similar to those at Huntingtower School.


15 Kerferd Road Glen Iris Vic.  3146

Phone: 03 9885 2202

Email : heights@bigpond.net.au


        Our website is https://www.vwa.net.au/ for more information and contact details.