From the Principal

Pictured: Mr Houghton and Abby H (Year 12) at the EISM Swimming Carnival

Thought for the week

“Let your gentle spirit be known to all.”  - Philippians 4:5


It is not the grand gestures that always have the most impact, but the daily acts of kindness that bring joy and love to the world.  These can be as simple as a good morning greeting, a smile, opening the door for someone, or acknowledging the kindness expressed by someone else.


As I walked around the campus this morning greeting and talking to staff and students who were here early for the Athletics training and Orchestra rehearsal, I was witness to many small acts of kindness, gratitude, and encouragement.  It is true that you get more of what you look for and I was deliberately being present in the moment to notice and appreciate the beautiful culture we are fortunate enough to enjoy at Huntingtower.  I encourage every member of our community to lift your heads from the daily grind and take note of all the good that is around us.




The Parents and Friends Association held their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 2 March. Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting and to those who put their hand up to join the P&F Association for the first time. 


At the AGM, Stuart Canning concluded his term as President after 5 years of gentle, kind and thoughtful leadership. A big thank you, Stuart, for all you have done and contributed as President.  We look forward to your continued involvement with P&F and to you supporting our new office-bearers.  I would also like to thank Lana Tyurina for her time as Secretary and Yong Zhang as Treasurer. 


Our newly elected P&F President is Justin Rulton, who will be supported by Nilesh Patil as Secretary and Lei Ping as Treasurer.  We know that they will all do a wonderful job leading and supporting our P&F and we look forward to many enjoyable P&F community events to come. 


It was wonderful to see so many families enjoying the P & F Welcome Picnic on Friday 4 March. The night was filled with great music, good company and warm hospitality. Thank you to all the parents and staff who assisted with cooking the BBQ, music, coffee cart and set up. 


The Parents and Friends Association continue to be a tremendous support to the HT community.  It is with this dedication and support from all the wonderful parent volunteers we are able to provide additional resources and an enhanced community spirit.  On behalf of everyone at Huntingtower, I sincerely thank all members for countless hours of voluntary work, your love of the School and for your friendship. 



Seussical Kids

We are absolutely delighted that the Junior School will be able to showcase their amazing talents in our first production in two years of Seussical Kids.  I encourage you to come along and be thoroughly entertained, as your favourite Dr. Seuss characters are brought to life by our wonderful Junior School Students.  Tickets are available to be purchased via TryBooking from 10 March and more information can be found further in this Bulletin.



Strategic Direction

Throughout last year, we sought feedback via community consultation, surveys and external review to inform the new Strategic Direction “Towards 100 Years and Beyond”.  We have been delighted with the participation and willingness of the community to share their feedback, hopes and dreams with us. This was a very affirming process and assisted Huntingtower to set the Strategic Direction, coming from a position of strength. The Huntingtower Board endorsed the Strategic Direction at its February Board meeting and a copy of the priorities and further detail can be found on our Website via the following link:


I am excited to work with the community to enact the Strategic Direction and would welcome any feedback or ideas that support the priorities and future direction of the School.


Andrew Houghton