School Communications and Management

The Canterbury Whirl

Early Leavers

If you need to apply for early leave on behalf of your student, could you please keep the following in mind.

  • Early Leave applications via Schoolstream App or email need to be received by 8am on the day of leave.
  • Any later urgent requests for early leave should be phoned through to the Office.
  • A note requesting early leave may be presented to the Office by 8.40am on the day of leave.
  • Please note, students who become sick during the day must report to the Office and the school will support the students and contact family if early leave is required
  • All students departing the school with Early Leave must go through the Office to collect an Early Leave Pass

Whilst every effort is made to record early leave requests accurately, there are inevitably going to be issues from time to time. It is recommended that students should keep their Early Leave Pass just in case. The earlier that a leave request is made the higher the chance we can avoid an issues with roll marking.

Thank you,​ for consideration and your help with this matter is greatly appreciated.

Online Payments

Message from the SAM

A great big thank you to everyone for a great term. Term 1 has been a very busy term with students no longer required to cohort and schools allowing caregivers back on school grounds.

Invoices - we recently emailed accounts to caregivers.  

Parent Portal - accounts have been set up for upcoming reports/progress reports.   

Parents Online Payment (POPS) - the Department has enhanced the software to make it easier for all parties.  Please note POPS is the Department's preferred method of payment. 

Students who are feeling sick - could I ask caregivers to remind students:

  • if in class, tell the teacher who will then send you down to Office A.
  • at recess or lunch come straight to Office A
  • not to ring or text caregivers themselves, office staff will contact you asap.

Early leaves - please see information from Ms Andrews, Deputy Principal.

If you have any questions regarding the above information please let me know.

I would like to thank caregivers and students for a great term.

Thanks to the staff for their great work.

My continued thanks to the SASS team for their continued support.

Wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday.