Chaplain's Corner 2022
Hi MPS Family
Well here we are in week 10. I sat in on the Staff Professional development day held in January and had such a sense that although there was much ahead for our school that the team were going to be proactive, team orientated and put the safety and care of the whole school community first as we entered this term.
As I have watched, and been a part of the daily outworking of the Covid plans, changed timetables, having classes, individuals, families and staff going into isolation for one reason or another I have been in awe. It is a privilege to work with a staff who give their all to their students, each other and the learning, social and emotional well being of the school. People thinking on their feet, creating new ways of connecting, communicating and teaching. Has it all gone perfectly? By no means and I don't think that was an expectation with things changing sometimes hourly due to Covid protocols. But WOW is there a better place than Marangaroo Primary to learn, adjust, make mistakes and reflect on them? I truly don't believe there is. Thank you for the part you have played in this community this term.
It is time for a BREAK. Each of us do that in a different way and it is important that we know and teach our children what a break, rest and resetting to focus on a new school term looks like.
So for me my break will be slowing down, spending precious time with my growing boys, getting into nature, attending the YouthCARE 50th anniversary conference. I will celebrate Good Friday and Easter Sunday and reflect during ANZAC day. This time of year is my favourite. I am grateful for how I have been able to support MPS this term.
As always I am available through Class Dojo message or contact through student services team. My work days are Monday and Friday. See you next term.
Tammy Bija
School Chaplain
Monday and Friday