Grade 2 Students 

Celebrating our terrific Twos!

2A - Mr E


It is hard to believe that we are nearing the end of Term 1, but there is still plenty of learning to be done! In the coming weeks, we will be talking about all the different things that make our families unique. Students have already created fantastic coats of arms for their families to share what is important to their families. The class has loved discussing their families during these lessons.

2B - Miss Bailey

This week, 2B have begun their maths unit on graphing. To help us learn how to collect, sort and display data we use unifix blocks to graph different colours. The students filled a paper cylinder with unifix. They then had to sort all of these unifix into their colour groups. Students then tallied their totals and used this information to create a bar graph. Everyone in 2B did an amazing job creating their first bar graph and we can't wait to spend the next two weeks improving our graphing skills.

Henryk and Kitt
Henryk and Kitt

2C - Mr K

2C have enjoyed a unit of work on Place Value. Here we are consolidating rounding to the nearest hundred. We are so proud of our learning in Grade 2.

Reuben L and Orlando E
Reuben L and Orlando E
Emilia H and Kian I
Emilia H and Kian I