
A time to rest and reset -

promote wellbeing over the holiday break


Activity: how to carry a positive sense of calm in the palm of your hand 

  • Trace your hand on a sheet of paper
  • Think of a positive memory that helps you feel safe and calm 
  • Write each of the five senses (seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling) on each of your five fingers on the sketch
  • Draw and / or write about the memory in the palm of the hand on the sketch
  • Identify how the memory is experienced using each of the five senses on each finger and write or draw a picture for each. 
  • Talk about how thinking of this memory can help you feel a sense of safety and inner calmness despite outer life circumstances
  • Practice touching each finger as a reminder of how this memory made you feel calm so you can use this technique when needed

The following are evidence-based strategies identified to support wellbeing in school holidays


1. Rest

Prioritise some time alone to reflect, restore and reset after a busy term- focus on healthy sleep routines


2. Connect: 

Find ways to spend time with family and friends


3. Be Active: 

Plan daily exercise outside, even if it is just a daily walk


4. Take Notice: 

Practise being mindful of the environment around you. Note the change in seasons outside- go for long walks and collect an assortment of autumnal leaves. Let yourself get bored so you can imagine new things to do and notice new things in your environment.


5. Learn: 

Try something new – knitting, cooking, scrapbooking, sketching, journaling etc.


6. Give: 

This could include practical support as well as offering encouragement, time and expressions of gratitude to others, could be random acts of kindness. Bake some morning tea for friends and drop it over with a note.



School Holiday Activities for families


Six school holiday activity ideas for Victorian families


1. Check out the Together Victoria website

The Together Victoria website has loads of suggestions for school holiday entertainment. There’s a huge variety of things to explore, from virtual school holiday programs and ideas for getting crafty, to tips on trying something new like making short films at home.

Visit their school holidays activities page to see what your children might be interested in.


2. Burn energy and get outside

These school holidays are the perfect time to use the warmer weather to get outside and get active. You might like to go on a bushwalk – click to discover where to go! 


3. Get back on the bike (literally)

The school holidays are the perfect time to dust off your bike, skateboard, scooter or rollerblades and take the family for a ride. 


4. Work on wellbeing

While getting out and about is fun sometimes some quiet time is needed. Mindfulness activities are a great way to help your children develop resilience

5. Get cooking

The school holidays are a perfect time to get kids excited about cooking easy healthy recipes. If they like them, you can even use them for school lunches when school returns!

6. Make learning fun with a day out

Museums, galleries, and zoos are the perfect opportunity to take children on a fun day out where they can learn as well. Museums Victoria’s facilities (Melbourne Museum, Scienceworks and Immigration Museum) are fantastic for teaching children all about natural history, science and our state’s multiculturalism, while the NGV is perfect for children with creative flare. Zoos Victoria is always a family favourite and has a vast array of animals to visit across three locations, with a strong message around protecting animals and our environment.


Click on the link below to see some more ideas for families to enjoy together in Melbourne these Easter 2022 school holidays.




Mrs Lucinda Thom