Teacher Feature

Elisa Cleeve

What one memory do you treasure the most?

My family have always loved to travel and we have been very lucky to visit many different places together. I have many treasured memoires from our travels, but one that really sticks in my mind was when my parents joined us on a trip to Europe. We visited Austria, Italy and Switzerland together and shared many laughs along the way. We still love to share memories of that trip and many of the inside jokes that come from holidaying together.


What is something you do to relax and unwind?

On the weekends I like to go to the beach. I like to breath in the fresh air, walk on the beach and listen to the sound of the crashing waves. It always makes me feel like I am ‘home’.


What super power would you like to have?

I wish I could time travel. I would go back to significant times in history or even just turn the clock back a little to when my kids were younger…they just grow up so fast!


What do you miss most about being a kid?

I miss playing out in the street until dark with all of the kids who lived in my street. We would ride our bikes up and down the street, play driveway cricket and skateboard along the footpath.


What are you most grateful for?

I am grateful for my family and the time we share together.

Josh Horan

What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?

Ohhh I would have to say hiking Volcano Acatenango in Guatemala. I was absolutely wrecked by the time I made it to the summit! It was an overnight hike up the inactive volcano but the views from the top were spectacular! We were right next to an active volcano called Fuego (Fire) that was going off all night. I wasn’t used to the altitude and having to carry all of my overnight supplies but was totally worth it. I stayed up all night taking photos of the active volcano and the stars. I’ve included one of my photos from the night!

What is something that you do to relax and unwind?

So most people say I have too many hobbies but they all help me relax and unwind! You can find me out on the golf course, playing the guitar, walking the streets taking photos, trying new tricks on the skateboard, tending to the chillies in my veggie garden and I’ve even started hand stitching making head covers for golf clubs!


What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod?

Currently on rotation is the Carlton theme song! But really, I am actually a big Folk/Country fan so can always find some Mumford & Sons, Tyler Childers and The Teskey Brothers in the rotation. I’ve always got a few podcasts on the go too! I love Stuff You Should Know, Science Vs and my own podcast called Absolute Dribble where we talk NBA! (Shameless plug).


What did you want to be when you were younger?

This is going to sound so staged and made up but it was actually a PE Teacher! I was always very active as a kid and wanted to do something that helped me get my energy out. I had some great PE teachers while I was at school that made me pursue many different sports and I hope I do the same for the students of Monty! 


When are you the happiest?

I don’t know why I chose this question because this is actually tough for me! I consider myself just generally a happy person, so it’s likely you will see me around the school yard with a big smile skipping along with a class. I love to be around other people in social situations especially if it involves some type of game or sport. In saying that, I also love to unwind and do one of my many hobbies! So it’s a tricky one but I would say I’m usually just pretty happy!