Students of the week 

Term 1 - Week 7


Remy E - For your energy and enthusiasm for learning and school. You are a champion with your school work. Foundation A is lucky to have such a helpful and kind student! 



Lennox F - For being an enthusiastic learner and a kind friend Lennox, you come into school each day with the willingness to have a go at all tasks with a smile on your face! You are also a kind and caring class member, Foundation B are lucky to have you! Congratulations Lennox.



Olivia H - For being such a focused, helpful and dedicated learner in our classroom. Olivia you always try your best and are on the lookout for ways you can help those around you. I love being your teacher!



Rowan B - Rowan – you are a super star! Thank you for always sharing your wealth of knowledge with us all. You are always willing to lend a hand and support your peers. What a legend!



Eva L - For always being a determined, positive friend and learner. You are wonderful at making good choices and always display respect and kindness to yourself and others. Keep being you. You are a super star!



Sophie B - Sophie, you have shown so much enthusiasm and dedication towards learning. Well done for always completing your tasks to a high standard. Keep up the amazing work Sophie! 



Ava L - You encouraged your friends to pick up rubbish in the school grounds through your actions. You are a wonderful influence on your peers. Thank you, Ava!



Kitt I - What an outstanding leader you are, Kitt! You have been so organised in your SRC role this year. Your enthusiasm this week in the lead up to our class assembly has inspired the rest of the class. Keep up the amazing work, superstar!



Georgie E - Georgie is a remarkable diligent student, her meticulous approach to all task shows that she is an academic learner beyond her years. Well done Georgie, you are STAR!



Darius H - For your tremendous effort and enthusiasm towards your learning. You should be immensely proud of the hard work and creativity you have displayed while writing your narrative. Keep it up, Darius! 



Julian S - We are so lucky to have you in our grade, Julian. Your kind nature and positivity makes you a wonderful person to be around. Keep being you!



Wilhelm M - You have made a sensational start to the year. I love the enthusiasm you are bringing to your learning every day. Keep it up legend!



Elliot B - For completing all tasks to a high standard and for being a constant source inspiration for 3/4D. Outstanding work, Elliot!



Charli D - We are so lucky to have you in 3/4E. You are a kind and positive role model and we appreciate you! 



Lucy D - You are so hard-working, dedicated and focused when it comes to your work during class time. This means you are a fantastic role model for everyone else in 5/6A. Thank you for being such a wonderful student and having a fantastic start to 2022!



All of 5/6B - 5/6B it has been an extremely challenging week and you have all been amazing! The kindness, support, concern and care you have shown each other has been truly inspiring!



Angelique E - For consistently demonstrating our school value of friendship. Thank you Angelique for always including others when working in groups and making an effort to get to know all students in our class. Angelique, your acts of kindness towards others is truly admirable and demonstrates the qualities of a leader. Well done.



Willow A - For approaching all parts of her learning with dedication. Willow your maturity and positivity are wonderful. You have come along way! Keep it up 

Term 1 - Week 9


Jack P - For your effort in all your learning tasks. You set a great example for your peers and your handwriting is exceptional! Jack, you a super star who is shining very brightly! Well done! 



Anthony C - For being a caring friend and for always trying trying his best! Anthony, you are show the school value of Friendship everyday, you are always looking our for your friends and peers. I am also so impressed with your learning at school!! What a superstar you are Anthony!



Rory Sm - For being such a kind, gentle and quiet achiever in Foundation C. Rory you are doing such a great job stretching out your sounds when you read. Keep it up superstar!



Bill S - For putting in 100% effort into his learning.



Alfie W - For being you Alfie! You are a very special and amazing person. Thank you for always trying your best and for being so kind and cheery. You make everyone feel so happy!!



Daniel Z - Daniel has demonstrated that he is a responsible learner who always tries his best in everything that he does. He also goes above and beyond to help out around the classroom. Keep up the amazing effort Daniel! 



Isaac B - Isaac, you always put in 100%. Your cold write included paragraphs and examples of descriptive language. Well done!



Austin D - Austin, your smile lights up our classroom each day. You are such a dedicated learner both in the class and at home, this is something you should be very proud of. Keep up the amazing work!



Kiko G - You always think things through and produce amazing pieces of work. I am very impressed with your Mathematical understanding. Well done Kiko



Atharva T - Atharva, you are such a focused, helpful and enthusiastic learner in 3/4A. Well done for always participating in discussions and sharing your knowledge with your peers. Keep up the excellent effort!



Archie M - You are so dedicated to your learning, Archie! In every task, you put your best foot forward and when you're unsure, you ask lots of great questions that help get you on track. Keep being such a wonderful, mature learner!



Charlotte P - You always take so much care and pride in the presentation of your work. You certainly set the standard very high! Well done Charlotte.



Jaxon S - For being and enthusiastic learner who always strives to do his best in everything that he does. You bring an overwhelming sense of joy to our grade which we are all grateful for. Marvellous work, Jaxon!



Ryan M - You always demonstrate our school values and are a positive role model for our class. Well done, superstar! 



Nick C - Nick, I love that you are always willing to give 100% to every work task that you do. You always strive to do the best you can and you are showing great growth in your learning. Keep up the amazing work!



Diaz G - Diaz, you put a lot of thought and effort into the 'teach your buddy a skill' activity. The book you made for Eden was fantastic, engaging and easy to follow. Eden is luck to have you as a buddy!



Olivia S - Thank you Olivia for using your initative and helping your peers and teachers this week. Your organisiation skills and kindess to all has been greatly appreicated. 



Zach D - For being positive and dedicated in his learning

Term 1 - Week 10


Zach H - For your positive attitude to learning and cheery good mornings. You always work hard and you are never short of questions about what’s on for you day. Zach, you are a keen learner and brilliant student! 



All of Foundation B - For a wonderful first term of school! Foundation B, I am so proud of you all! You have grown so much in just 1 term! I love how hard you have worked on all your learning and you have made wonderful friendships. I can't wait to see what Term 2 brings for you all. 



Willow H - You are a bright spark and I love seeing you smile and interact with your classmates. Keep it up Willow! 



Roshan S - Roshan – you are such a fantastic member of 1A! You are very dedicated to your learning and you put in 100% effort all the time. You are always willing to help others, including your teacher! We are so lucky to have such a great leader in our classroom. Well done, super star! 



Esther M - For your beautiful personality. You are caring and gentle and bring a lovely calm warmth to the 1B classroom. You always try your best and have produced excellent work in all learning areas. You are gold, Esther!



Luke D - Luke enthusiastically engages with all learning tasks and always tries his very best. He is a respectful memberof the class who consistently uses his manners and Whole Body Listening. Keep up the amazing effort Luke! 



Eloise O - Your effort throughout this unit has been excellent. You attempted all the activities, asked questions, and kept trying when things were tricky. Well done Eloise!



Henryk J - Henryk, you should be so proud of yourself for how hard you have worked to complete your narrative, Mr. Speed. Your hard work has paid off and you have published an amazing narrative. Keep up the great work! 



Emily H - You take such pride in everything that you do. I am very impressed with your consistent high marks in Mental Maths too! Keep up the great work Emily, you are a star.



Josie B - Well done, Josie, on your consistent effort in the classroom to produce such high quality work. Your Big Write was incredibly engaging and well-written, showcasing not only your talent, but the unwavering creativity, passion, and hard work that is required of a young author. You should be very proud of yourself! 



Mackenzie B - You’re a wonderful person to have in our classroom, Mackenzie. You are always willing to lend a hand to anyone around you, and try your hardest in every single thing that you do. Never change, superstar!



Jack G - Your effort throughout this term has been excellent. You have attempted all the activities, asked questions, and even kept trying when things are tricky. You are a superstar Jack!



Alijah W - You are so dedicated to your learning, Alijah! In every task, you put your best foot forward and when you're unsure, you ask lots of great questions. You are a wonderful role model to your peers.



Ella B - You put effort into all you do and are always striving to achieve your best. Keep it up, superstar! 



Sam S  - Sam, you are such a deep thinker who doesn't hesitate to ask questions and push yourself to know more. You work hard and produce your best work. I have been blown away with all areas of your learning, but reading in particular, where you not only read aloud beautifully but show such a great understanding of what you have read. Well done, Sam!



Tylahr T - Tylahr, you have improved in every area of school and are starting to develop some great resilience. You have improved your output in Maths and your persuasive text was the best bit of writing you've done for the year. Keep on improving!



Liam H - Well done Liam on ensuring that you are up to date on all tasks and working hard to complete tasks that you may have missed. Well done Liam !



Isobel C - Isobel you have made a fabulous start to 2022! Your positive attitude and amazing sense of humour is just awesome. Keep it up kiddo! Big things await!