Performing Arts

This week in Performing Arts:

In Performing Arts we have now finished our Dance focus for Term 1. The children have learnt some street style dance steps called the electric slide, jump cross turn, top rock and the running dance. They then worked hard to choreograph their own dance routine in groups to their own choice of song. The children performed these routines to the class and should be commended on their ability to work together as a group in creating their own dance. They were amazing! 


We have also learnt about Australian Indigenous culture through dance as we explored using technical and expressive skills to create a dance performance based on the Dreamtime story Tiddalick the Frog.


We now move onto our Music focus as we end the term with a bang!

Spencer, Owen, Neve and Piper from 3/4 C perform their group choreography.

Lily, Zach, Ben, Finn and Emman from 5/6 D perform their group choreography.